물의 권속 타쿠미/대사
Where am I? I am... Yes... Yes, I am here to...defeat them... I must. | ここはどこだ…?僕は… ああ、そうだ…僕は…あいつを倒す… そのために… |
Won't forgive... Never forgive... The enemy... Yes, my enemy is... Everyone... I will kill them... I will kill all of them... | 許さない… 許さない…敵… そうだ、敵は皆、全て…殺す、殺し尽くしてやる… |
All the blame...lies with that person... For Mother. For my brother. For the Hoshidan soldiers. I will not...forgive... | あいつだ、あいつのせいで…母は、兄さんは、白夜の兵士は…絶対に許しはしない… |
Why are we standing around? Let's go to battle. Kill...the enemy... That is the key... | 何をぼうっとしている…さあ、早く出撃しよう…敵を…倒す。それだけが… |
Where is it... Yes... My bow... My precious bow... It looks...different... But as long as it can kill... | どこだ… そう、弓…僕の、大切な、弓…ここにあったのか… こんな形だったっけ…まあ、敵が殺せるなら、一緒か… |
I must...protect Hoshido...along with everyone. Ryoma, Hinoka, Sakura... And...who else? Can't...remember... | 僕は、白夜を… 皆と一緒に守りたかったリョウマ兄さん、ヒノカ姉さん、サクラ…あと、誰だ… 思い出せない… |
친구 방문
I came here on [Friend]'s order. You don't seem to be my enemy... | [フレンド]の指示で来た…[召喚師]… お前、僕の敵ではないだろうな… |
레벨 업
With this... I can kill them all... | これで… あいつらを皆殺しに… |
Won't be stopped... | こんなところでは止まれない… |
Tsk... | …くっ… |
Yes... Power... I need more...to decimate them all... | そうだ… 力を…あいつらを滅ぼす…力を… |
5성 40레벨 달성
What are you doing here, [Summoner]? It's time for battle. The enemy... Must die. Why...do I fight? Because I must... I hear the anger inside me welling up, shouting for me to fight. Yes... Anger... I cannot forgive...my enemy! Abandoning us siblings... Abandoning our kingdom... That person is my enemy. I must... Kill... That's why I... When I jumped from the wall, I... I couldn't be saved... I was...beyond saving... But if I wasn't saved... How am I here? What...am I? It doesn't matter. None of it matters. I must defeat...my enemy... That is all that drives me! | [召喚師]、何をしている。さあ、早く次の戦いに…敵を、僕の敵を… 倒さなければ… 何故、戦うのか、だって…僕は、戦わなければならないんだ…この胸に宿る怒りが、そう叫んでいる… そう、怒りだ。許せない… 敵!僕たちきょうだいを、国を見捨てて…絶対に、絶対に許しはしない… あいつ、僕の敵… 殺さなければ…そのために僕は… あの城壁から…飛び降りて… 助かるはずのない… …あれ…じゃあこの僕は… 何なんだ?ああ、でも… どうでもいいか…敵を倒す… それだけが…僕の…! |
あああっ! | |
Die... | 死ね… |
うああっ! | |
You're in my way! | 僕の邪魔を…! |
오의 발동
You're full of yourself! | 調子に乗るな… |
Die, die, die! | 目障りだ… |
I'll kill you myself. | 殺してやる… |
I will kill my enemies. | 皆殺しだ… |
I will... I must… | 僕は…僕…は… |
ふん… | |
Where am I? I can't remember anything... | ここは…どこ…? 何も…思い出せない… |
Do you want to be the first to die? | …なんだ? あんたから死にたいのか…? |
Kill... Must kill them. But who? | 殺す…殺してやる… …でも…誰を…? |
I can hear that song. Azura? | 聞こえる…この歌…アクア……? |
Corrin... Ugh. My head, it hurts. | …カムイ… ぐっ…頭が…痛…… |
I just want to spend time with my family... | 本当は…きょうだいとして…一緒に… |
Until my memories return... I will kill all your enemies. | 記憶が戻るまで…あんたの敵は…僕がみんな殺してやる… |
아군 턴 터치
Hm. | ああ |
I'll do it. | 僕がやる… |
Die. | 殺す… |