떡국 정말 좋아 타쿠미/대사


Happy New Year. I'm Takumi, Prince of Hoshido. Are we...exchanging new-year gifts?あけましておめでとう。僕はタクミ…白夜王国の王子だよ。お年玉でもくれるつもりなのか?

I must admit, I feel somewhat out of place here. There aren't many other Heroes wearing a kimono...
And I'm the only one carrying mochi around.
I was celebrating the new year at Castle Shirasagi, unprepared to be summoned out of the blue.
Normally I'd have my Fujin Yumi with me, but...
It's always so cold at the turn of a new year. Are you warm enough? I wish I had some warm ozoni with me...年明けの季節は冷えるね…あんたは大丈夫か?お雑煮ぐらい持ってくればよかったかな。
Huh? You want to make up some New Year's fortunes? Fine...
You'll have good luck if there are at least three Hoshidan Heroes in the plaza.
はあ? おみくじってやつがしたい?仕方ないなあ…じゃあ白夜王国の英雄がこの広間に三人以上いたら大吉だよ。
It's a new year, so I'll try to be a little more forthright. I wanted you to know that I respect your tactical capabilities.新しい年だからね…今日ぐらいは素直に振る舞ってみてもいいかもしれない。あんたの戦術…僕は認めてるからね。

친구 방문

Happy New Year. I was instructed by [Friend] to deliver new-year greetings.あけましておめでとう。[フレンド]から、新年のあいさつを言付かってるよ。

레벨 업

As amazing as the first sunrise of the new year.初日の出を見た時と同じ素晴らしい気分だ。
This year, I'll become even stronger.去年の僕よりも強くなってみせるさ。
I hope the entire year doesn't go this way...来年はこんな風にならないようにしないと…


A new power for a new year, huh? Thanks.新年だから、新しい力をくれたのか?…ありがとう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been here since the new year's start. Do you celebrate New Year's where you're from?
We have all sorts of traditions in Hoshido.
For instance, we'll hang decorations resembling the Dawn Dragon facing the sunrise to ward off evil.
We also have many delicious soups we'll prepare— Hm? Why are you looking at me like that?
Oh, you'd like to learn more about Hoshidan New Year's traditions?
Well, they're pretty involved, and explaining them thoroughly will likely take some time...
But as long as you're OK with that, I'd be glad to tell you whatever you want to know.
I can't say whether it's good fortune or bad, but there's no way of knowing if I'll ever be able to return home...
So, for as long as I'm here, I'll continue to chat with you like this. After all, I don't...dislike you.
So let's keep working together. Sound good?




I said cut it out!やめろって!

오의 발동

Happy New Year!あけましておめでとう!
Here's a present!お年玉だよ!
We're celebrating my way!僕が祝う!
Say hello to a new year!謹賀新年!


Back to sleep...帰って…寝ようかな…


This is just something I wear for the New Year!なんだよ、じろじろ見て…ただの袴だよ
I always have bad dreams. But they seem even worse at the start of a new year.僕は夢見が悪いから、初夢は嫌な予感がするなあ
What? Men wear kimonos like this for the New Year in Hoshido!白夜の男性はこういう着物で新年を祝うんだ
It's Hoshidan tradition to give money to children on New Year's Day. That's...nice, I guess.お年玉が欲しい? なんで白夜の風習を知ってるんだよ
Hoping for good luck this year? Yeah, me too.あんたは今年、どんな一年にしたい?
I never expected to go into battle wearing this.この服で戦いに駆り出されるとは思わなかったよ
Sorry if I can be...prickly. Truth is, I'm glad to be with you for the New Year.そんなに僕が必要なら仕方ないね。このまま次の年を越すまで、一緒にいてあげてもいいけど?

아군 턴 터치

Party time.おめでとう
All right.よーし

캐릭터 페이지로