불꽃놀이에 기원하는 미래 타쿠미/대사


I am Takumi, the second prince of Hoshido. Walk with me, and I will show you the summer festival.僕は白夜王国第二王子のタクミ。よければ夏祭りを一緒に回らない?楽しみ方を教えてあげるよ。

Hoshido's summer festival has shops, candied apples, shooting galleries... It's impossible to get bored!白夜王国の夏祭りは毎年、射的にりんご飴に…色んな店が出るんだ。見て回るだけでも飽きないよ。
It's been a while since I last wore a yukata. It reminds me of going to summer festivals with my siblings.浴衣に袖を通すのは久しぶりだな。きょうだい揃って夏祭りに出掛けたことを思い出すよ。
Why not have Oboro tailor a yukata for you? Her family are all tailors, so I don't think you can go wrong.あんたも浴衣をオボロに見立ててもらえば? 彼女の実家は呉服屋だから、間違いはないと思うよ。
Ryoma is giving his all while dancing, as with everything. I should learn to be more like him in that way.リョウマ兄さんは踊りも全力だな。どんなことでも手を抜かない。その姿勢、僕も見習わないと。
It looks like Prince Leo is enjoying the festival. I am glad we invited him.レオン王子も祭りを楽しんでくれているみたいだな。招待した甲斐があったよ。

친구 방문

I'm Takumi, of Hoshido. There's a big summer festival going on at [Friend]'s castle.僕は白夜王国のタクミ。[フレンド]の城は夏祭りの真っ最中だよ。あんたも来る?

레벨 업

I will have brutes who would disrupt the festival ejected from the premises.祭りに水を差すような無粋な輩は退場してもらうよ。
I won't miss. I'm quite good at festival shooting galleries.外しはしないさ。祭りの射的は得意なんだ。
Oh, no, I was just a little surprised by the sound of the fireworks.調子が悪いわけじゃない。花火の音に少し驚いただけさ。


It seems I benefited from the festival this year.今年の祭りは得るものがあったみたいだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

The festival stalls bring back memories of when Hoshido still enjoyed peace...
Though the war with Nohr is over, the battle continues in Askr, so true peace is still a distant notion.
Yet it is not a dream so long as we continue to build connections with our comrades.
Look at Prince Leo of Nohr. He is having so much fun at the festival...
Yes, this summer festival has a special power to connect people.





오의 발동

All I need is a target.射的なら得意だ
There you are.的になりたいの?
Watch how it's done.手本を見せてやる
Tired already?もう疲れたの?


I'll remember this...くっそ…覚えてろ……


You know about yukata? Hm...あんた、浴衣を知ってるの? ふーん…
Why are you pestering me? Do you have nothing else to do?…!? なんだよ、ヒマだからって嫌がらせ?
It doesn't look like anyone here knows how to wear a yukata.みんな、浴衣の着方をわかってないね。
Just going around looking at the food stalls accomplishes nothing. You must also train.ちょっと、屋台ばっかり見てないで練習しなよ。
Oboro picked out this yukata for me. Looks nice, doesn't it?この浴衣はオボロが見立ててくれたんだ。似合うだろ?
Everyone at the festival together is such a peaceful sight... Alas, I have other things to do.みんなでお祭りか、平和な光景だなあ…。ま、僕には関係ないけど。
Let's make the rounds one more time! Summer nights are short, after all.さあ、もう一巡りするよ。夏の夜は短いんだから。

아군 턴 터치

I see.なるほどね
I'm not sure...どうかな…
Where are the food stalls?屋台はどこかな

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