진지한 마음 타니스/대사


I am Tanith, deputy commander of the Begnion Holy Guard. This outfit is due to...unforeseen circumstances.私はタニス。ベグニオン帝国神使親衛隊副隊長…こ、この衣装はやむを得ぬ事情ゆえの…

Of all possible outfits, I somehow ended up in this... Surely there is something that would look better...よりによって、なぜ私がこのような衣装を…もっと似合うものがいるだろうに…
Don't expect a well-prepared meal from me! Just...don't. You'll regret it.愛妻料理だと…?私が料理を作ったとしたら……なんでもない。忘れることだ。
Wh-what's with that look?! If you have something to say, say it!な、なんだ、その表情は…!?言いたいことがあったらはっきりと言うがいい…!
Rather than practicing walking in this outfit, I'd rather practice with a blade. One will help keep the apostle safe.花嫁修業よりも神使様を守るための鍛錬を重ねたいのだが…
I am sorry to trouble you with this, but...I seem to have lost track of the apostle. Help me look, would you?迷惑ついでといっては悪いのだが…あなた方にも、神使様の捜索に協力願えないだろうか。

친구 방문

I am Tanith of the Begnion Holy Guard. Ignore the outfit—I was sent here by [Friend].神使親衛隊、副隊長のタニス。[フレンド]より親書を届けに来た。衣装のことは聞くな。

레벨 업

Now I can more fully... express myself!我が想い、必ずや届けてみせる…!
This wedding attire won't hold me back!花嫁衣装を着ていようが手加減などしない!
Tch. How disappointing!なんという不覚…!


W-would you d-do me the honor of— Oh, forget that!わ、私を幸せに…い、いや、なんでもない!

5성 40레벨 달성

My life's purpose is to protect the apostle. I don't have time to dream about the future—let alone marriage.
The apostle did, however, say I look good in this outfit... And if that's true, I'm happy.
And I will hold your compliments dear too, [Summoner].
Victory in battle isn't everything. Sharing smiles with those you care about is important too.
I suppose this silly outfit helped me realize that... So for that, at least, I am grateful.





오의 발동

Wedded to battle!花嫁として!
Love is eternal!愛を誓う!
Love and war!愛は戦い!
It's rude to stare!じろじろ見るな!


Bury me in my armor!…頼む…着替えを…


Do not let this marital attire confuse you. I, Tanith, deputy commander of the Begnion Holy Guard, am still an officer.神使親衛隊、副隊長のタニスだ。…これは、祭りの装束だそうだ。
The lint on my outfit is none of your concern. Focus on battle, not bridal gowns.きゃあっ!? な、何…衣装に糸くずが?
It seems I must conform to festival customs on my search for the apostle, so I find myself wearing this…absurd outfit.神使様をお探しするため…や、やむなくこの格好をしている
I never thought I'd find myself dressed like this… My heart belongs only on the battlefield.まったく、おかしなことだな…この私が花嫁衣装など…
What did you say? It doesn't matter what I'm wearing. My clothes are of no concern to you.に、似合っている…と? ば、馬鹿なことを…
If this is some sort of misunderstanding on my part, then… Oh, summoner. It's nothing. Carry on.何かの間違いがあれば、私もいつか…い、いや、なんでもない
I pledge my body and soul to protect you.この身を捧げて貴方をお守りすると…誓う…

아군 턴 터치

I do.はい
Yes, d-dear?あ、あなた…
I will defend my union!し、幸せに…

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