염미의 춤 테티스/대사


I'm Tethys, a member of Gerik's band of mercenaries. I'll liven things up in a way rarely seen outside Jehanna!ジスト傭兵団のテティスよ。自慢の色気とジャハナ仕込みの踊りで戦場を盛り上げてあげるわね!

Life can be painful. Miserable even. But I'll never cry. Because if I were to cry, he would cry...どんなにつらいことがあっても、私は泣かないって決めたの。私が泣いたら…あの子も泣いちゃうから。
Everywhere I go, adults claw at each other's throats over things so petty even a child would lose interest.ホント、どこに行っても大人たちは争ってばっかりね。中身は子供のケンカなのにね。
Oh, I almost forgot. I have good news, and then I have even better news. So, which would you like to hear first?ねえ…良い知らせと、もっと良い知らせがあるんだけど…どっちから聞きたい?
This aroma... We must be having herbed stew tonight! I'm sure the chief will turn up before long...
Herbed stew is his favorite, after all.
Oh! Have you been watching long? While warriors swing their steel, we dancers train the swing of our hips.あら…ヤダ、いつから見てたの?そうね、剣士が剣を振るように、踊り子は腰を振るのよ。

친구 방문

I come bearing a gift of dance from your friend [Friend].[フレンド]様からの贈り物…それは私の踊りそのものでございます。一席、舞う時間を頂戴いたしますわ。

레벨 업

My form is perfect today!今の私、絶好調なのよね!腰の振りが軽くって!ほら、ほらっ♪
Phew! That much dancing isn't as easy as it looks!もう!ずっと踊りっぱなしで、汗びっしょりよ!
I can't believe this! How awful.ちょっと…ヤダ!そんなことってある!?


At this rate, I'm wondering if I might grow even stronger than Chief Gerik...ちょっと聞きたいんだけど、このままだと私、ジスト隊長より強くなっちゃうんじゃない?

5성 40레벨 달성

You've taken me in, so you deserve to know more about my past...
Ewan and I were...abandoned by our parents. Every day was a new struggle for survival.
After watching and imitating what I saw, I found a way to survive: dance. My body is my life...and my weapon.
It was all thanks to my dancing that I was able to fall in with the chief's crew...and yours. So make use of it!
Battles are decided by more than blades. Though...I'm good for more than just dancing too.
If you'd ever like to chat, I'd be happy to lend an ear anytime.





오의 발동

Now's not the time.よしなさい
Behave yourself.いい子にしてて
Don't be so sure.ちゃんとできる?
Enough trouble from you!いたずらは禁止!


The dark rider...is coming...悪い予感…当たっちゃった……


Hee hee!うふっ
You watching?私を見て?
Here—this'll help!元気をあげる
If we do our best, good things will come of it—and then...even better things after that!がんばってれば、いいことと、もっといいことがきっとあるわ。
When Ewan is smiling, I'm happy—so I want him to smile all the time! I'm his big sister, after all.ユアンにはいつも笑っててほしいわ。お姉ちゃんですもの。
You wanna know what made me the woman I am today? Hard work, of course!過去の苦労があってこそ、今の色っぽい私があるのでした。なんてね?
There's a rumor that, in our little band of mercenaries, there are two women enamored with the commander... I wonder who...傭兵団の中にね、隊長のこと好きな女がいるのよ。ふふっ、誰かしら?
I've been working on a new dance, so let me know if you need a morale boost!元気がなくなっちゃったら、いつでも私を呼んでね。踊ってあげる。

아군 턴 터치

Of course!もちろんよ
I'll think about it.考えてみるわ
Lead away!ご要望とあらば

캐릭터 페이지로