화주를 입은 등희 사랴/대사


I'm Tharja. And this is the attire of an ancient festival. Perhaps that of a sacrificial maiden?
Or perhaps of the one performing the deed...

Katarina and the others may be shy, but this is a festival and this clothing has meaning. You'll join me, right?カタリナ達、恥ずかしがっていたけれど…祭事なのだから…この姿には意味があるの…貴方も、そう…つきあってもらうから……
*sigh* What a waste. My time would be better spent continuing the ceremony.はぁ…こんな時間は退屈だわ……儀式の準備を続けたいのに…
Oh my, is the sun too much for you? Or am I the reason for your flushed cheeks? Hmhm, I'm simply joking.あら……暑さにやられた…?いいえ、私に見とれていたのかも……ふん…ちょっとした冗談よ…
Plegia wasted such time on bitterness and hatred... These are feelings that I never shared with my homeland.ペレジアの積年の恨み、憎しみ…でも…くだらないわ。そんなもの、自分の気持ちじゃないもの。
Shell of turtle, tongue of lizard... Hm? Oh, I'm mixing a bug-repelling perfume for Dorothea and Lene.マダラメガメの甲羅…ドクハキトカゲの舌…防虫効果の高い香油を調合して…ドロテアやリーンに分けてあげるのよ…

친구 방문

I'm Tharja, from Plegia. And you— You know [Friend]?
Oh... Then I guess I won't curse you.

레벨 업

Hmhmhm... It seems last night's ceremony is already bearing fruit.………ふふ…昨晩の儀式…さっそく効果が出たみたいね…
My curses are much more reliable than any prayer or wish. Wouldn't you agree?祈ったり、願ったりするより…私の呪いのほうが確実……そう思うでしょ…?
Ugh... I feel sick to my stomach. I wonder if one of my curses somehow bounced back at me...う……きもちわるい。どこの呪いが返ってきたのかしら…


Hmph. What is it you want from me?ふうん…私をどうしたいのかしら。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ugh, I'm exhausted from being led around all day. So many people... Why even leave home for this?
Enjoy myself, you say? Oh, please... I care nothing for the smiles of others. I live only for my fated love.
Hmm... But when I heard your voice, I thought maybe dressing up and going out now and again isn't all bad.
You remind me of my fated one. So I'll follow your lead for now... I'll allow only you to drag me out.
But betray me, and it will be your undoing. The sorcery of this land will turn you into my eternal servant.


Here I go...いくわよ…


What nerve...生意気…

오의 발동

Here. Have a curse.呪ってあげる
How would you like to die?どんな死に方がいい?
No escaping me.逃がさないわ…


Over already?もう…おしまいなの…?


Hee hee hee...ふふふ…
This is the garb of my homeland. I think it suits me. Don't you?これは私の故郷の衣装なの…似合って当然よね…
Ugh. Your manners are severely lacking.きゃあっ!? な、なによ。礼儀を知らない人ね…
I don't exactly long to return to Plegia... But I do miss it.ペレジア…別に帰りたいとは思わないけど…懐かしくはあるわね…
Shoo, shoo! Stop pestering me! Can't you see I'm observing Robin?…何よ。私はルフレを観察するのに忙しいの。話しかけないでちょうだい…
My curses have become more effective since joining with the Order of Heroes.特務機関に来てから呪いのききがよくなった気がするわ…
You want to attend a Plegian festival? You're an unusual one.ペレジアの祭りに行きたいだなんて…あなたたちも物好きね…
If there's someone you deem deserving of a curse, don't hesitate to seek me out. It will be my pleasure.誰か呪いたい人がいたら私が呪ってあげる。遠慮しないで…

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.いくわ…
Are you sure?それでいいの…?
Got a curse.呪うわ…

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