열정의 신부 사랴/대사


I'm Tharja—just a typical spring bride! So, point me in the direction of my fated one, and I'll handle the rest.サーリャよ…今の私は清らかな花嫁…ねえ、あなた…ご飯にする?お風呂にする? それとも…

This gown is simply stifling... But I suppose we all suffer for those we love, from time to time.よくスタイルが良いと羨ましがられるけど…この衣装だと少し胸がきついわ。どんな体つきでも苦労はあるのね…
Love is a hex that binds two souls for as long as they both shall live.
Whether I'm the hexed or the one doing the hexing... I'm ready.
Ahh, I feel so relaxed right now... Maybe I'll cast a little curse on you.私は今とても満ち足りた気分なの。呪いの一つや二つ…かけてあげてもいいわよ?
A little bit of this... And a little of that... Hmhmhm... This love potion will... Huh? Oh, it's you.
Trust me when I say you're better off forgetting what you saw just now.
Normally I spend my time researching new curses, but for some reason this outfit has my thoughts...elsewhere...普段は呪術の研究だけれど、この格好をしていると色々想像がはかどるわ…うふふ…

친구 방문

Here's a message from [Friend]. Don't worry—I didn't hide a curse inside.[フレンド]から伝言よ…呪ったりしないから安心なさい。今日の私は機嫌がいいの…

레벨 업

I feel like the whole world is celebrating with me. Heehee...うふふふふ…!世界が私を祝福しているわ…
Must be the power of love. Hmhmhm...うふふ…愛の力ね。
Someone is standing in the way of my happiness...…私の幸せを妬む誰かの呪いかしら。


Is this a symbol of your love? Why, thank you...うふふ…ありがとう。あなたの愛を感じるわ…

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm glad you're here, [Summoner]. I...need your advice on something...
I know who I'm fated to be with, of course. After all, I'm dressed up just for him.
But then I came here and met you... And, well, somehow you've become just as important to me.
So how am I supposed to choose between the two of you? Ugh, this is all your fault.
So, now what should I do? I used to think love was a hex of happiness.
But now I see it's a curse as dark and malicious as any other.


This is love...愛よ…



오의 발동

Love is a curse.愛は呪い
Vows are eternal.誓いは永遠に
Together forever.一生離れない…
Make your pledge.誓ってもらうわ


I was almost happy...幸せな…花嫁に……


Maybe if he thinks I'd make a suitable bride... What do you think?私、良い奥さんになれるかしら…?
Hmph. Seeing me like this may be shocking, but don't get used to it. It's not for you.きゃっ。 …何、私の姿を見て理性を失ったのかしら…?
The marriage ritual is a curse that binds you to another human for all eternity.結婚は、二人を一生、愛で縛るという呪い…
Dressed up like some happy bride... How can anyone stand wearing this?幸せな花嫁姿なんて…どうせ私には似合わないわ…
You think this outfit suits me? Hmph, we've clearly never met.え…? 似合ってる…? そ、そんなの、嘘よ…
If I can't become his bride, I'll become a bridesmaid. Then, with the right curse...花嫁になれなくても…うしろから見ているだけでいいわ…
Welcome home, dear! I sacrificed a chicken for dinner!おかえりなさい、あなた。ご飯にする? それとも…

아군 턴 터치

You love me.好きと言って
Your proposal?愛を誓って
Be happy.幸せにして

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