그늘의 닌자 사랴/대사


I am Tharja, a dark mage from Plegia. This...ninja festival is quite intriguing. A perfect place to shadow someone.ペレジアの呪術師、サーリャよ…。忍者の祭り…? 面白そうじゃない。あの人をつけ回すには絶好の機会ね…。

Sneaking up on someone in utter silence... That, I am quite experienced in. Hehehe... It's mere child's play...物音ひとつ立てずに忍び寄る…それくらいは朝飯前よ。年季が違うのよ、年季が。うふふ…。
A smile is unsuitable for ninja to wear, in the same way it is unsuitable for dark mages.忍者に笑顔は似合わない…。呪術師に笑顔が似合わないのと同じようにね…。
Ugh! Why must a normal girl like me do something so strange as being a ninja? Hey! What are you looking at?!んも~☆ 普通の女の子が忍者になるなんて難しすぎっ☆…なにを見てるの? あっちへ行って。
Hm, Noire can pull off the look of a ninja... We shall work together, to be most useful to the one I seek.ノワールの忍者姿も悪くないわ…。あの人の役に立つため一緒に任務を遂行しましょう…。
No substitution technique can avoid my hexes. You're welcome to try if you don't believe me...変わり身の術じゃ私の呪いは防げないわよ。嘘だと思うなら試してみるといいわ…。

친구 방문

Hm... I snuck in here more easily than I anticipated. Perhaps I need to tell [Friend] to stay alert.思ったより簡単に忍び込めたわね…。[フレンド]に注意しておくように伝えようかしら…。

레벨 업

Perish in darkness! Hehehe. I will never allow you to touch the one I seek.うふふ…、そのまま闇に滅しなさい。あの人の邪魔はさせないわ…。
Ugh! Your fixed gaze is making me ill... Aren't you a little too relaxed for one on a battlefield?どこを見ているのかしら…?戦場なのに、ずいぶんと余裕なのね…。
If I were using hexes instead of ninja techniques, I would never have fallen so far behind.忍術じゃなくて呪術なら…後れはとらないのに…。


With this technique, I can get even closer to a certain someone without being spotted. Hehe... Hehehe...この力があればもっとあの人のそばに忍び寄れるわ。うふ…うふふ…

5성 40레벨 달성

Hehehe. You didn't even notice me, did you, [Summoner]?
I have learned the covert ways of the ninja at this festival. Hiding my presence, softening my steps...
It affords me much tighter proximity to my subject without being spotted.
Now, I can watch over a certain someone more closely. Hehe... Hehehe...
However, using this technique in battle is another question entirely.
It purely depends on what a particular tactician is in need of. Nothing else interests me.
Though... That tactician holds you in high regard, so perhaps I will lend you my skills if the mood suits me.
But only if it suits me...
え? この技術を戦いで活かすつもりはないのかって?





오의 발동

Die for me.死んでもらうわ…
Caught you.捕まえた…
A ninja's duty...忍びの務め…
You're wide open.隙を見せたわね…


My guard was down...油断…したわ…


I've gotten quite skilled at covert operations, since I'm always following a certain someone.隠密行動なんてお手の物よ…いつもあの人をつけてるから…
*gasp* For you to get so close without my spotting you... Not bad.きゃっ…!? 私に気づかれずに近づくなんて…やるわね…
I don't even have to get that close to an enemy. I prefer tormenting them with my curses from afar.敵に近づかなくても、私の呪いで苦しめてやれるのに…
If I'm stealthy enough, I could pluck just one strand of hair, and then... *chuckle*忍び込んで髪の毛一本でも手に入れられたら…うふふふ…!
Noire has considerable latent potential as a mage.ノワールには…潜在的には呪術師の才能があるのよ…
Ahh Robin... Even from this secret perch above, you look magnificent.ああ…ルフレ…。天井から見える貴方も素敵……
I will curse every last one of your enemies for you. You're welcome.貴方の敵は、私がみぃんな呪ってあげる…

아군 턴 터치

Simple enough.わかったわ…
A stealthy approach?そうなの…?

캐릭터 페이지로