풍설에 춤추는 날개 티트/대사


I am Thea, an Ilian pegasus knight. My mission this time is... Really? To take part in a snow-and-ice festival?私はイリア天馬騎士のティト。今回の任務は…え?雪と氷の祭りへの参加…?

My sister taught me how to ride a pegasus. She's a mother now, so I hope she's staying safe somewhere.天馬の乗り方は、姉さんに教わったの。姉さんはもう母親だから、安全な所でゆっくり休んで欲しい…
I am quite accustomed to the snow. Ilia, where I'm from, is a land covered in snow and ice.雪には慣れてるわ。私の故郷イリアも、雪と氷に覆われた国だったから…
There was a snow festival in your hometown as well? Interesting...あなたの故郷にも、雪のお祭りはあった?そう…
Crops don't grow under snow. My country was poor, its people hungry... Mercenary life was the best option.雪に覆われた土地では、作物は育たない…国は貧しく、民は飢えていく…だから、傭兵として生きるしかない。
My fondest memories of the snow all revolve around my sweet little sister, who enjoyed it so much as a child.妹は幼い頃、雪が降ると大喜びしてたわ。その姿がすごく無邪気で可愛くて…雪の良い思い出は、それくらいね。

친구 방문

I am Thea, a mercenary from Ilia. I bring an invitation to an ice festival from [Friend].私はイリア傭兵のティト。[フレンド]から氷の祭りの招待状をお届けに参りました。

레벨 업

My oath as a knight of Ilia is my pride.イリア騎士の誓いは、私の誇り。
I will fulfill my contract, no matter the foes I must face.契約は守るわ。たとえ、どんな敵が相手でも。
This is silly. Could I have actually caught a cold?もしかして、風邪を引いたかしら…


Thank you. I shall apply myself in a manner befitting a knight of Ilia while in your employ.ありがとう。あなたに雇われたイリア騎士として、ふさわしい働きをして見せるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Am I fond of snow, you ask? I like it... and I don't. My memories of it are numerous and quite varied.
Whenever I flew through a blizzard as a pegasus knight of Ilia, the snow was cold and painful.
On days when the skies were clearer, the powdery snow that danced in the air could be very beautiful.
The snow hides away the fertile land, keeping its potential bounty from us, but...
It may be the snow that strengthened us and endowed us with the fortitude we now possess.
So you see, I cannot say, after all, if I dislike it or not.





오의 발동

Brace for the cold!冷たいわよ
Time to freeze!凍らせるわ
One fell swoop!この一撃で…
Let's hit the ice!終わらせましょう


It's no use...もう…ダメね…


Thank you for the invitation. I'm looking forward to today.招待ありがとう。今日は楽しみにしてきたのよ。
Ah! You're getting wound up because of the festival, aren't you?きゃっ!? …お祭りだから、あなたも浮かれてるのね。
This outfit is wonderful... Do you think I'm doing it justice?素敵な衣装…。私、ちゃんと着こなせてるかしら。
My homeland of Ilia is also a very cold and snowy place.私の故郷イリアも、とても寒くて雪深い土地なの。
The chill can be unpleasant, but I really like the wintry view.寒いけど、私は雪も雪景色も好きよ。
*sigh* Look at this beautiful landscape... If only I could show it to Juno and Shanna too.綺麗な景色…。姉さんとシャニーにも見せたいわ。
I am worried you may catch a cold. Make sure you stay warm enough.あなたが風邪をひかないか心配だわ。気をつけてね。

아군 턴 터치

On my way.そうね
Right there?あっちかしら?
This will be fun.楽しみね

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