오살의 마녀 스라실/대사
I am Thrasir. The one who called me here... It was you, wasn't it? | 私はスラシル…私をここへ呼んだのは…やっぱり、あなたなのね。 |
Brother... I will fix things. So wait for me... | …お兄様…待ってて。私は必ずお兄様を… |
My brother gave me this tome. The cover is worn, but I treasure it. | お兄様がくれた本…もう、ぼろぼろになってしまったけれど…私の大切な宝物… |
As your general, I will see your foes defeated... I'll snap their heads off, like so many dolls. | あなたの将として敵を倒すわ。お人形みたいに首を引き抜いて…殺してあげる。 |
Líf and I have fought together for some time now. We share a bond. | リーヴは私の仲間…とても長い間、あの人と私は一緒にいたわ… |
Do not address me as Veronica. I am not her. My world, my destiny... they are likewise not hers. I am Thrasir. | 私はスラシル…ヴェロニカとは呼ばないで。私はあの子とは違うわ。住んでいた世界も、辿る未来も。 |
친구 방문
I am Thrasir, general of the realm of the dead. Well, no...a general of [Friend]'s forces now. | 私はスラシル…死の国の…いいえ、今は[フレンド]の将… |
레벨 업
Should I be pleased? | 一応、喜んだ方がいいのかしら… |
My world may be in ruin, but I persist. | 滅んだ世界の私でも、成長するのね… |
What? Have you something to say? | …何?私に何か言いたいの? |
I thank you. | …ありがとう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
My world was destroyed... And my battle was lost. My hope is gone. Or so I had thought. Your presence makes the fantastical seem real. Some day, perhaps, my brother... You... I know that even you cannot save a world that has fallen to ruin. I know that... But I can't help but cling to my selfish wishes. Do not let it trouble you. | 私の世界は滅び…あなたたちとの戦いにも敗れた…もう、すべての希望は捨てた… そのはずだったのに…あなたといると、ありもしない幻想を抱いてしまう。 あなたなら…もしかして…いつか…お兄様を… わかってるわ。いくらあなたでも、滅んだ世界を救うことはできない。それは、わかってる… これは…私が勝手に期待してるだけ。忘れてちょうだい… |
はっ | |
死んで |
きゃああっ! | |
やったわね… |
오의 발동
All will perish. | 皆殺し |
Weak. | 弱いのね… |
Don't get in my way. | 邪魔しないで |
Won't you just die? | 死んでほしいの |
I can't die! | 私は…死ねないの… |
ふふ… | |
You're always spending your time with me. What do you get out of it? | なぜ、私に構うの? |
What was that? Is that how you greet people in the Order of Heroes? | !? 何…? 今のが、特務機関の挨拶なの…? |
Prince Alfonse is here. So is Princess Sherena. No...no, never mind. It's nothing. | アルフォンス王子と、シャロン王女もいるのね…別に…なんでもないわ。 |
Princess Veronica is a foolish child. She is far beyond help. | ヴェロニカ皇女は、ただの子供…救いようのない馬鹿よ。 |
You must know that I am your enemy. Why are you so kind? | 私はあなたの敵なのよ? なのに、どうして優しくするの? |
Even if it would cost me my life, I want to save my brother. | 私の命を引き換えに…お兄様を助けたい… |
I am your enemy. So—why? Why are my feelings... Why now? | どうして…? あなたは敵なのに…こんな気持ちになるなんて… |
아군 턴 터치
All right. | ええ |
What? | 何…? |
Death is the end. | 死は、おしまい… |