대공의 패자 티반/대사
I'm Tibarn. I may be a king, but don't make a big deal of it. Fawning praise does me no good. | ティバーンだ。王だなんだと堅苦しいのはやめてくれ。あと、つまらない世辞を言うのもな。 |
Nothing like an unfamiliar challenge to get the blood pumping. Ah, it's been a while... | 見知らぬ土地、見知らぬ景色か。久しぶりに心が躍るってもんだな。 |
I don't mind you going out on patrol, but if you move too far from my side, I can't protect you. Stay close. | おい、見回りも結構だが、あまり俺の傍を離れるな。護りづらいじゃねぇか。 |
Worried about our allies in the field? I can check on them for you, as long as the skies are clear. | 遠征に出した部隊の動向が気になるのか?俺が様子を見に行ってやってもいいぞ。嵐と雷の日は勘弁してほしいがな。 |
It's a shame you can't fly. Then again, I can't summon like you can. We each have our talents. | なんだ、翼を広げて飛んでみたいって?これは俺達だけの特権みたいなもんだ。お前さんも、召喚ってのができるだろ。 |
The wind may not have a voice, but it speaks to me all the same. Even in a new world, it tells me a great deal. | 知らん場所でも、こうして風を浴びればだいたいの事情はわかるもんだ。声にならない声を、風が運んでくるのさ。 |
친구 방문
I'm King Tibarn of Phoenicis. Your friend [Friend] says hello. | フェニキスの王、ティバーンだ。[フレンド]がお前に会いたがっていたぜ。 |
레벨 업
Flying high. Let's see how far I'll soar! | いい気分だ!空の果てまで連れて行ってやるぜ! |
I'm not done yet. Not even close. | まだまだ、こんなもんじゃ終わらねえぜ! |
This is why I don't fight on an empty stomach. Hey, got anything to eat? | 腹が減ったな…悪いが、何か食わせてくれねぇか? |
Wait until you see what I do with this. | この力で連中を蹴散らす様を、特等席で見せてやるよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
It's refreshing to be out on my own, in the thick of it. The pressures of kingship can be stifling. It seems I've got a little more chaos in me than most folk. If I sit still for too long, I start itching for a fight. We laguz have strong instincts for battle. And that includes kings, no matter how civilized. Zelgius of Begnion, the beorc hero Ike... The world I came from sure didn't lack worthy competition. Seems I won't get bored anytime soon here, though, either. Speaking of...we should get back to it. | 一人ってのは、まあ、気楽なもんだな。国の王って立場を離れて、こういう戦をやるのは久しぶりだ。 俺は普通の連中より…【負】の気ってやつが多いらしくてな。じっとしてると、戦いが欲しくなる。 王だなんだとおだてられたところで、俺たちラグズの根底にあるのは…血の滾るようなこの衝動だ。 ベグニオンのゼルギウスに、ベオクの英雄アイク…元の世界にも強者はいたが、 この世界も退屈せずにすみそうだ。さあ、次の戦いに行こうぜ。 |
うおおっ! | |
そらっ! |
うああっ! | |
くそっ! |
오의 발동
Let's get started. | 始めようぜ? |
I can hardly control myself! | てめえ…! |
You'll get no quarter from me. | 容赦しねえ! |
I'm no easy mark! | 上等じゃねえか! |
I've no regrets. | 悔いは…ねえ… |
はははっ! | |
I'm King Tibarn of Phoenicis. | 俺はフェニキス王ティバーン。 |
Whoa! Is that how you beorc greet one another? | うお!? なんだ、それがベオクの挨拶ってやつか? |
I can see that you're a beorc, but there's something different about you... | お前はベオクか。だが、他の奴らとはどこか違うな… |
I always pay my debts. That's how I do things. | 借りは返す。それが、俺らの流儀だ。 |
My people do not use weapons like yours. Those are for the beorc. | 俺たちは武器とやらは使えん。あれはベオクのものだからな。 |
I'll never forgive you if you go and get yourself killed out there, so don't do it. Got that? | いいか、勝手に死ぬことは俺が許さねえ。 |
If you find yourself in a dire position, you can call on me. No matter what, I will fly to your aid. | 困った時は俺を呼べ。何があっても飛んでいくぜ、文字通りな。 |
아군 턴 터치
Yeah. | ああ |
What now? | どうするんだ? |
I'll send 'em flying. | 飛ばすぜ |