해변의 용희 치키/대사


Hi, I'm Tiki! Want to go play on the beach? I'm not a great swimmer... But I'm really good at floating!はじめまして、チキだよ!どんなことして遊ぶ?

Oh, wow! Look at how sparkly the ocean is! And the sky, too! It's all so bright! And this is sand, right? I love it!すごいすごい!海がキラキラ、お空もキラキラ!あっちもこっちもピカピカに光ってる!
I had to stay asleep inside the Fane for a very long time, so I don't know much about what it's like outside.
That's why I'm trying to have as much fun as I possibly can!
Hey, you're looking kind of red... You weren't in the sun without proper protection, were you?!ねえねえ!背中が真っ赤になってるよ?お薬つけてあげようか?
I spotted a big white bird outside, so I'm gonna try talking to it. Wanna come with me?[召喚師]さん、あそこに白い鳥さんがいるでしょ?一緒にお話しに行かない?
I made a Mar-Mar statue out of sand! Will you help me protect it from the water?砂でおにいちゃんの像を作ったの。でも、波ですぐに溶けちゃう…

친구 방문

You're a friend of [Friend], right?
Then that means I'm your friend, too!

레벨 업

I'll keep getting stronger and stronger to help all of my friends!やったやったー!大切なみんなのために、もっと強くなるからね!
Yeah! Anyone who thinks I'm just a kid is gonna get hurt!やったー!チキを子供だと思ったらケガするんだから!
Time-out, I got sand in my eyes! Can someone help?目に砂が入っちゃった…みんな、どこ…?


Thanks for making me stronger! I'll work even harder from now on.チキ、また強くなったみたい![召喚師]さんのおかげ。うれしいから、もっとがんばるね!

5성 40레벨 달성

The ocean is so big! I didn't even know there was this much water! Isn't it amazing, [Summoner]?
If I change into a dragon and drink until I'm full, do you think I could drain the ocean?! I'm gonna try!
Blech! It's so salty! Why is ocean water salty? It just rained, and rain isn't salty.
And when you eat a fish from the ocean, the fish isn't salty! So why is the ocean? Do you know?
Hehe, you're so easy to talk to! I really like it when we chat, [Summoner].
So let's keep talking until I get sleepy! I'm gonna try my hardest to stay awake a really, really long time!
...OK, so now you try some ocean water.





오의 발동

Splashing around is such fun!海ってたのしい!
It's getting hot, now!あつくなっちゃった
I'm not scared!こわくないよ!


Time to go?もう…帰る時間…?


This outfit's just right for the beach, don't you think?チキのこの格好、どうかなあ?
Did you need me for something? I was hoping to go for a swim.ひゃっ!? な、なになに?
I just love the ocean! It's so very pretty, and really, really big!海は大好き。きれいで、とっても広くって…
Ugh, it's taking me so long to grow up.チキもいつか、大人っぽくなれるのかな?
Oh, I had the loveliest dream. I was playing at the beach with all my friends!良いゆめ、みたの。みんなといっぱいあそぶゆめ!
Playing this much always makes me...so sleepy...ふわぁ…いっぱいあそんで、ねむくなってきちゃった…
Thank you for playing with me! It makes me ever so happy.チキ、すごくしあわせ。いっしょにいてくれて、ありがとう!

아군 턴 터치

Time for a swim?およぎにいくの?

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