신룡족의 왕녀 치키/대사
I don't have to sleep anymore? I can stay with everyone? Yay! Wait, what about vegetables? | チキ、もうねむらなくていいの?みんなと一緒にいていいの?うれしい! |
Your castle smells great! What is that smell? It makes me a little sleepy... | ふわぁ…このおしろって良いにおいがする。なんだかねむくなっちゃうよ。 |
Right now, everything is just so, you know, FUN! | チキね、チキね!ええと…今すっごく楽しいよ! |
I get to be with everyone all the time 'cause you called me! Thanks! | [召喚師]さんが呼んでくれたから、チキ、こうしてみんなと一緒にいられるの。ありがとう! |
I used to have scary dreams... about becoming a monster and stuff... But I don't have them now! | 前はね、こわいゆめを何度も見たの。チキが、けものになっちゃうゆめ…でも、今はもうへいきなの。 |
I went into town the other day. Guess what? Everyone was so nice! You should go sometime! | こないだ街に行ったらね、みんなとってもやさしくしてくれたの。とっても楽しかった。 |
친구 방문
I came to say hello! Hi! | こんにちは!チキ、ごあいさつに来たの。 |
레벨 업
What's going on? I feel all hot... | チキ…なんだか…熱くなってきちゃった… |
I worked hard! | チキ、がんばったよ。 |
I'm kinda sleepy... | チキ、ちょっとねむいの… |
I'm really strong now! | チキ、すっごくつよくなったみたい! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Heeheehee! I'm so happy not to be alone anymore! I have so many friends here—so many people to talk to! And it's all because you summoned me here. You're my favorite, you know. Let's stay together forever! | えへへ、えへへ~チキ、とっても嬉しいの。だって、もう一人ぼっちじゃないもん。 このおしろのみんなといっしょに楽しくおはなしするの…チキ、すっごく好きなんだ~! [召喚師]さんがチキをしょうかんしてくれて、ずっと一緒にいてくれたからだよ。 [召喚師]さんのことチキ、だいすき!ずっといっしょにいてね! |
えいっ! | |
やぁっ! |
きゃああっ! | |
That hurts~ | いたいよう… |
오의 발동
No, no, NO! | だめ… |
Stay away! | 近寄らないで |
I can be scary, too! | こわい… |
Oh no you DON'T! | だめーっ! |
Mar...Mar... | おにい…ちゃん… |
Teehee | うふふ |
Hm? What's going on? | ん? なあに? |
WAH! You scared me! | ひゃあ! びっくりしちゃった。 |
I had another bad dream last night. | こわいゆめ、みたの。 |
*yawn* I'm getting sleepy again... | ねむくなってきちゃった… |
Would you tell me a story about where you're from? | おはなしして。おはなし。 |
Zzz...zzz... | すぅ…すぅ… |
You know what? I'm not lonely anymore! | チキ、もうさみしくないよ。 |
아군 턴 터치
OK! | うんっ |
Zzz—huh? | むにゃむにゃ… |
Uh-HUH! | チキ、がんばる |
공격 - 신장
たーっ | |
これで… |
피격 - 신장
いやっ… | |
やめて… |
오의 발동 - 신장
For all our sake! | みんなのためなら… |
I can't bear to be alone! | ひとりはいや… |
Close the gate! | 扉を閉めて! |
Stay away from me! | こっちこないで! |
패배 - 신장
Help me, Mar-Mar... | たすけて…おにいちゃん… |
상태창 - 신장
ふう… | ふう… |
I thought it'd be fun to try on a new outfit. How's it look? | チキ、お着替えしてみたの。どうどう? |
Eek! I thought you were a ghost! | きゃあっ…! おばけが出たのかとおもっちゃった。 |
Princess Veronica always looks so lonely. I used to be the same, a long time ago... | ヴェロニカ皇女は、いつもさびしそう。むかしのチキとおなじ… |
There are always new people coming to play at the castle, so I'm never bored here! | このお城は、みんなあそんでくれるからさびしくないよ。 |
Ban-Ban said, "You look very nice, Tiki!" *giggle* | おじいちゃまにほめられちゃった。似合うって! |
*yawn* It's a lovely time for a nap! | ふぁ…ねえ、いっしょにおひるねしよ? |
I won't have any more nightmares if I'm with you! | あなたといっしょなら、こわいゆめ、見ないよ。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
This way? | こっち? |
Umm... | えっと… |
I'm going! | いってくる |