과자보다도 고기 미스티라/대사


Boo! Hehe... I'm Timerra, the princess of Solm. You ready to take this harvest festival to the next level?収穫祭にお化けが出たぞ~♪あたしはソルムの王女、ミスティラ!どう? あなたもお祭り楽しんでる?

In the right costume, I bet you could mingle with regular folks without being noticed...or go digging for intel.アスクでは何故、収穫祭で仮装するの?王侯貴族が庶民に紛れて楽しむため?それとも、特務機関の情報収集のため?
In Solm, there's a day every year when they say the dead come home—so we all dress up like ghosts!ソルムにも、仮装をするお祭りがあったの。その日は死者が帰ってくる伝承があって、みんなでお化けの格好をするんだ。
If plentiful crops are proof of a thriving country, then I'd say Askr's doing pretty darn well.たくさん食べ物があると、安心するね。作物は国が豊かな証だから、アスク王国の民たちは安泰だなーって!
Hey, looks like we both decided to wear white today. Costume buddies!えへへ。いいでしょ、この格好!召喚師様も真っ白のお洋服だし、お仲間だね、あたしたち!
Where are the trick-or-treaters? The meat's gonna get cold if they don't hurry up and take some!トリックオアトリートしにきたの?悪戯するような元気な子には、あたしが熱々のお肉をあげちゃうよ!

친구 방문

I'm a huuungry ghooost... Give me your steeeak... Ha, just playing— [Friend] says hi.お肉くれなきゃイタズラしちゃうよーっ!なーんて、うそうそ。挨拶のお届けだよ。[フレンド]から!

레벨 업

Oh yeah, reaping the gains! That's what I'm talking about!すごい収穫だね!うれしい~♪ うれしいよ~♪
I'm so good, it's almost scary.うんうん、敵にたくさん悪戯した甲斐があったね!
Aw, c'mon... What a pitiful harvest.うう…収穫祭なのに、ぜんぜん収穫できなかった!


If you ask me, a harvest festival's all about changing things up!収穫祭だもん。見た目だけじゃなくて中身もばっちり着飾らないとね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, there you are! I just got the fire started, [Summoner].
It's not only steak we're eating tonight. Look. I laid out some fruits, veggies—and fresh cheese!
You know me—I could eat meat for the rest of my life. But I figured you might want some variety.
So c'mon, grab a plate! For tonight, let's forget about fighting and just have a nice time.
That's what a harvest festival is all about, right? And as a special treat, I'll sing while you chow down.
I call this song, "Harvest Friendstival." ♪A crackling fire, a full plate... Isn't this all pretty great?♪
来た来た、[召喚師]。ちょうど今、焚火を始めたところなんだ。焼くものはもちろん、お肉! でもね…
折角だから歌もサービスしちゃう。ゴホン…収穫祭大好きの歌5番、いきます!ああ~♪ 秋色の炎ゆらゆら~♪





오의 발동

SO gonna love this!全力で、楽しむ!
Happy fall!収穫祭の嗜みよ!
Trick or meat!トリックオアエンゲージ!


My costume...このカッコ…気に入ってたのに~…


I'll now be performing my sixth song, "Haunted Harvest Festival." ♪There's a ghoooost in the candy...♪それではミスティラ、祭り会場に出るお化けの歌、6番…歌います!
Huwaah! Hey—I'm supposed to be the one scaring you!わわ、びっくりしたー! あたしが脅かす側なのに、悔しーい!
So this is what a harvest festival is like! I've always wondered... Solm's sunny year-round, so the fall is really short.収穫祭、ずっと憧れてたんだー! ソルムは常夏の国だから、秋は短くて。
Check out these delicious-looking veggies! I bet they'd go great with some nice, juicy meat...美味しそうなお野菜がいっぱーい! ぜーんぶお肉と一緒に焼いちゃおー!
Back in Solm, there's a haunted castle that the locals won't dare go near... Heh! Did I scare ya?…我がソルムには、地元の民が恐れる心霊砦があるんだ~… えへ、怖かった?
When I become queen, I'll make sure to host lots of festivals like this. Gotta keep the people happy.あたしが女王になったら、民たちが喜ぶお祭りを増やしたいなあ。
Come on summoner, let's make the most out of this festival! I wanna be eating and singing 'til the sun comes up!折角の収穫祭だもん、一緒に楽しもう!今日は夜通し食べて歌って、召喚師様との思い出を作っちゃお!

아군 턴 터치

♪La la laaa!♪らんらーん♪
What's cooking?美味しそうな匂い!
I'm scaaary!脅かしちゃお!

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