용병단의 부장 티아마트/대사


I am Titania, deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries. Do you have a job for me? If so, let's start now.グレイル傭兵団副長のティアマトよ。私たち傭兵団に仕事の依頼かしら?詳しく話を聞かせて頂戴。

The Order of Heroes isn't doing all of this to gain rewards or gather accolades.
It's purely in the interest of saving people. I find that marvelous.
Our mercenary group has an unusual reputation. We're known to do jobs without payment.
And we sometimes take a job only to help save people. But we never do it solely for the money.
Anything I can assist you with? I'm glad to handle any task, for all jobs are crucial among mercenaries.
Why, I've even been known to help Mist with laundry on occasion. No dirtier task than that in our group.
Training must become instinct for those who want to survive on the battlefield.
And so, we must master our abilities, our very bodies, until our training is in our blood.
I wish our mercenary group's old commander, Greil, could see how well his son has developed.
He has carried on Greil's legacy very nicely as our leader.

친구 방문

Hello. I've come to bring you greetings from your friend [Friend].こんにちは。[フレンド]からの挨拶状を届けに来たわ。

레벨 업

Delightful! This reminds me of my earliest days in battle.嬉しいわ。若い頃のことを思い出しちゃうわね。
I use the experience of each and every battle to fuel my fire.一戦一戦の経験が、必ず自分の糧となるわ。
It's sometimes clear that I'm not as spry as I once was.認めたくはないけれど、私ももう若くはないのかしら…


Thank you for placing such trust in me. I will strive to do my best.ありがとう。期待してくれてるのなら、頑張らないわけにはいかないわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Today I'd like to show you what it's like to wield an axe, [Summoner].
First lesson! Make sure you swing the axe so the axe doesn't swing you.
Now, give my axe a try. Good, but set your hips so it makes a base that will not sway.
Oh? Ready to stop so soon? Working such training into your bones and blood could save you.
But I suppose that's my job, and I'm glad that you've summoned me into this world to do it.
It's long been my desire to fight with pride, saving people, with no regard for money or honor.
How lucky I am to have found a friend in you.
So, if you wish it, I'll protect your life, as one of your truest friends, for as long as you'll have me.
いい? [召喚師]、斧に振り回されないように、素振りはこう、腰で…




N-not yet!ま、まだよ…!

오의 발동

I will triumph!覚悟はできてるわ!
In service to the cause!戦う理由がある!
We will survive!生き残るために!
Don't make me angry!本気で怒るわよ!


Go on...まだ…戦え…るわ…


I am with the Greil Mercenaries. Have you a job for us?私たちグレイル傭兵団に仕事の依頼かしら?
Wha—? Phew! That was close. Not a good idea to sneak up on me.きゃあっ!?  …あなた、本気で怒られたいみたいね。
So you're the Great Hero I'm hearing about? A legend already at your age!あなたが伝説の大英雄…でも、ずいぶん若いのね。
I'd like to ask you—how many years do you think I've been doing this?…ちょっと。私をいくつだと思ってるのかしら…?
Some think daily training is boring. I think it keeps you alive. So let's keep it up, all right?地道な訓練が生死を分けるのよ。さ、がんばりましょ。
What to do...? A battle of strength? You do realize who you're talking to, right?あら、力比べ? まだまだ、あなたには負けないわよ。
Whatever the path you choose, I will be there right beside you.あなたが選ぶ道なら、私は黙ってついていくわ…

아군 턴 터치

Stay alert.油断しないように。
Live on.生きて帰りましょう。

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