은정의 기사 티아마트/대사


I am Titania, deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries. Tell me...is Commander Greil really here?グレイル傭兵団副長、ティアマトよ。教えて欲しいことがあるの。もしかして、グレイル団長はここに…?

The thought that I might meet Commander Greil again... I...グレイル団長…また、あなたに会えるなんて…
Money can't buy happiness. That's something we in the Greil Mercenaries understand well.心からの笑顔は、お金では買えない。私たちグレイル傭兵団はそのことを知っているわ。
I put a lot of thought into the present I got for you. I hope that you don't mind that I got you something.私が用意したプレゼント。想いはしっかりと込めたつもりよ。受け取ってもらえるかしら?
Hmm... I feel like I just saw a very familiar face in the crowd. My mind must be playing tricks on me.あら…?とても懐かしい顔を見たような…私の気のせいかしら。
If there's someone you care about— a person you want to become stronger for—hold on to that feeling.誰かのために強くなりたいという気持ちは貴いもの。あなたには守りたい人はいるかしら?

친구 방문

The festival for the Day of Devotion is such fun that I've been asked to invite you by [Friend].[フレンド]は愛の祭を楽しんでいるわ。あなたにも顔を出してほしいそうよ。

레벨 업

There is nothing more joyful than sharing your feelings.想いが形になるのは無上の喜びね。
Knowing how to express your feelings is as important as sharing them.想いを伝えるには積み重ねが大切ね。
I guess I was a little too playful, even though I didn't mean to be.浮かれていたわけではないのだけれど…


I thank you, because I understand how you feel now.ありがとう。あなたの想いは受け取ったわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I was wondering if I should even go to the festival, and I ended up having so much fun I lost track of time.
Everywhere you look, you see people giving gifts and sharing their feelings. Everyone's grateful to one another.
Telling someone how you feel about them makes you feel alive...
Fate can be cruel. You may never get the chance to tell someone how you really feel about them.
If you have something you want to tell someone, don't hesitate.
This is the Day of Devotion, after all. Your feelings will blossom beautifully. I'm sure of it.





오의 발동

A gift.贈り物よ
Don't think I'm too sweet.甘く見ないで
You deserve this.あげる理由があるわ
Striking now!準備はできてるわ


Too sweet...甘く…見ていたかしら…


For the Greil Mercenaries, there is something more precious than money.私たち傭兵団には、お金より大切なものがあるの
What's this? Oh, well it would be rude of me not to return the favor, now wouldn't it?きゃっ!? …今のお礼をしてあげないといけないようね…
If my companions are happy, then so am I.相手が喜んでくれると、こっちまで嬉しくなるわね
Telling someone how you feel? Now that's the best gift you could give.相手を思う気持ち…それが、一番の贈り物ね
Being in your thoughts is enough. I don't need a gift.私が欲しいもの…? ふふっ、気持ちだけいただいておくわ。
Commander Greil... Is it truly possible to see him again?グレイル団長…本当に…また会えるなんて…
What do you think? I hope you like it.どうかしら? あなたが気に入ってくれればいいけれど…

아군 턴 터치

All right.そうね
Should I…?迷うわね
I've made up my mind.決めたわ

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