분위기 파악을 못하는 로빈/대사


I'm Tobin, a fighter in the Deliverance. I joined up to fight alongside my friends.
I'm not too sure what's going on in this world, but... I'm here to help.
俺はロビン! いまは解放軍で友達といっしょに戦ってるんだ。よくわからねえけど、がんばるぜ!

So you just fire off that Breidablik and a Hero pops out? Pretty neat... How's it work, exactly?お前、その神器ってのをぶっぱなすと英雄を呼べるんだろ?すげえなあ……どうなってるんだ?
Our village is a good place—it's peaceful. Gray says it's lacking a certain something, but...
it's home.
Still hard at work, huh? If you're feeling even a little tired, be sure to take a break.
There isn't anyone around here who can replace you.
If you have some time, let's explore the castle. Should be pretty fun, right?お前、いま暇か?だったらこの城を探検しようぜ!面白そうだろ?
Mmh-huh? Sorry, you caught me napping. Everyone's talking about such complicated things, and...
Awwh... It just makes me so sleepy.
んあ……? 悪い、寝てた。だってよお、みんな難しそうな話してるし眠くなっちまうんだよ。

친구 방문

[Summoner]? Got a message for you from [Friend].お前が[召喚師]か?[フレンド]からお前に伝言だぜ。

레벨 업

Oh, man, look at these muscles. Who wants to touch 'em?うお、ちょっと俺すごいんじゃねえ?
Heh, not bad!へへっ、いい感じだな!
Huh? That's it?え~?こんだけかよ……


You're really trusting me with this power? I don't know what to say...お、俺にこんなに力をくれていいのかよ?まいったな……

5성 40레벨 달성

I try to find souvenirs for my siblings between fights, but I can't afford anything too pricey.
Maybe a jar, or some nice cloth. Looking at things like that helps me picture their faces...
And that cheers me up, you know?
Take a look at this cog. It's a small part of something larger. Really makes you think...
You think so too? I knew you'd understand. Here, you can have it if you want.
I mean, I picked it up for you, after all. I can't get you anything too fancy, but...
Well, I saw this and pictured your face. It can be proof of our friendship. Er, I mean...
Uh, it's my way of saying thanks.
……だろ? お前は見る目あるぜ!それ、お前にやるよ。……ていうか、お前にやるつもりでとっといたんだ。
洒落たものとかは贈れないけどさ。日頃の感謝っつーか、友情の証?なーんてな! へへっ……


Here I go!いくぜ!


Darn that stings!いってえ…!

오의 발동

This is the part that hurts!これで終わりだ!
You and me!いくぜ!
This one's mine!俺だって!
Have some of this!これでもくらえ!




I'm not great with the tough stuff.難しいことは苦手なんだよ……
Oh, need something? Ready to do my best.よくわかんねえけど、がんばるぜ!
Our village? It's a great place.俺たちの村、いいところなんだ。
Hey! Is this any time to be fooling around?なんだよ、ふざけてるのか?
Might have to tell me something twice before it sinks in.空気読めないってよく言われるんだよな。
There's no way I'm going to let Alm show me up.アルムには負けたくねえなあ……
You're pretty interesting, you know that?お前、おもしろい奴だなあ。

아군 턴 터치

Leave it to me!任せろ!

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