불굴하는 큰 뜻 토팍/대사
I'm Tormod. I may not look like it, but I'm pretty much the most dangerous mage around! | おいら……おれはトパック!こう見えてもいっぱしの魔法使いなんだぜ。 |
Once, I saw this light fall from the sky and then I had strange dreams after, so I know I'm called to greatness. | 空からすごい光が落っこちてきたあと、すごく不思議な夢を見てさ。ああ、呼ばれてるな…ってわかるんだ。 |
Ike and the others talk about Yune... Did you know she's called a dark goddess in our world? | アイクたちが言うユンヌってのはさ、邪神だって呼ばれてたやつなんだよ。 |
I know this is your job and all, but you should spend time with your other friends too! | これがあんたの仕事なんだろうけど、友達付き合いも大事にしろよ! |
There's a man here in the desert who looks pretty strong. I think he'd challenge even Muarim's strength! | ここにもずいぶんガタイのいいおっさんがいるんだな。うちのムワリムといい勝負だぞ… |
*sigh* I'm so busy... Did people figure out how good I am at everything? So many favors, so little time! | ああ、忙しい、忙しい…おれの有能さがバレちまったかな。あちこちで引っ張りだこさ! |
친구 방문
This castle is a lively one too! Nice! Anyway, just checking in on you, at [Friend]'s request! | こっちの城もにぎやかだねえ![フレンド]から元気にやってるかってさ! |
레벨 업
I'll clear the path with one good blast! | 敵をぶっとばして!どんどん先へ進もうぜ! |
I may still be growing, but I'm no child! | おれはもう子供じゃないっ!背丈だって、まだまだ伸びるぞ! |
I won't settle for this! | そう簡単に…やられてたまるかっての。 |
I just saw Ike and Sothe for the first time in a while—they're both huge! I'll be just as big as them! Someday. | アイクもサザも、何なんだよ!少し会わない間にデカくなりやがって……おれも、やってやるぞっ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Since we're not total strangers anymore, I have to ask... What are your dreams, [Summoner]? I want to free the laguz. They've been treated terribly, and for so long... I want our kinds to live in peace. Laguz, beorc—it doesn't matter. They may have ears and fangs, but we're all people. That's why I respect that Arcadia has been made a reality. They've proven my dream is achievable. Even if people can be stubborn, I'll never give up! I'll make somewhere that laguz, beorc...everyone can live! | もう知らない間柄でもないから聞かせてもらうけどさ、[召喚師]に夢はあるかい? おれはさ…散々酷い扱いを受けてきたラグズを解放して、一緒に暮らせる国をつくりたいんだ。 ラグズもベオクも同じさ。耳や牙がちょっと違うからってそれが何だっていうんだよ… だからおれさ…ナバタっての?【理想郷】を形にした人を尊敬するよ。やってやれないことはないんだって。 頭の固いやつらは多いけど……おれを信じてくれるみんなのためにもあきらめないぞ! |
- | やっ |
- | それっ! |
- | ぐっ… |
- | くっそ~! |
오의 발동
I'll knock you off your feet! | ふっとべ! |
You won't get away! | 逃がさねえぞ! |
We're not done! | まだまだぁっ! |
Let's have some fun! | 楽しもうぜ! |
I can still fight... | まだ…動くはず… |
- | ははっ |
I love festivals. Thanks for inviting me! | 祭りは大好きだ。招待してくれてありがとな! |
Huh? Oh, so you wanna play, do ya? | うおっ!? なんだなんだ、おれと遊びたいのか~? |
Ah, the desert is great! Sand as far as the eye can see! | 砂漠ってすっげーな! どこまでいっても砂だぜ! |
I used to live in the desert with my friends in the Laguz Emancipation Army. | おれたちラグズ奴隷解放軍も砂漠にいたんだ。 |
Wait, you're saying there could be treasure buried in the desert?! | 砂漠の中にお宝が埋まってたりして…。え、まじで!? |
If humans and dragons can live together, laguz and beorc should be able to do the same. | 人と竜が一緒に暮らせる…ラグズとベオクだって、きっと… |
I'll do everything I can to make my own world as peaceful as this paradise! | この理想郷みたいに、平和な世界を作るためにがんばろうぜ! |
아군 턴 터치
Got it. | わかったよ |
Hm? | んー? |
I see 'em! | 敵発見! |