트라키아 왕 트라반트/대사


I am Travant, King of Thracia. Prepare to witness the unmatched spearwork of a wyvern knight!わしがトラキア国王、トラバントだ。険峻に磨かれた竜騎士の槍、存分に見届けるがよい。

I buried the knights of Leonster in the Aed desert and finally had everything I wanted...until Grannvale interfered.
I will never forget the disgrace, the aggravation. Utterly infuriating.
Thracia is a land of stark mountains. We raise wyverns and warriors, but... our harvests cannot satisfy them.我がトラキアは険しい山々が連なる地。強靭な飛竜とたくましい兵を育てるが、痩せた土地ゆえ収穫は不順でな……
Wyverns are quite clever. They can recognize their master and obey. The same cannot be said of all people...飛竜はこう見えて賢い生き物だ。主人と認めた者には従順よ。不出来な人間より余程、信頼できる。
You view our positions on the field as if looking down from sky? Incredible. I see now how valuable you are...空を行く我らの穂先を見晴るかし、盤面を見るかのごとき用兵…見事なものよ。我が片腕にほしくなる。
A Thracian king must be strong. As such, I must keep training, to build and display my strength.トラキアの王は民を導く強き者である。ゆえに、常にこうして鍛え、備え、戦いに向かう意志を示さねばならぬ。

친구 방문

Hmm... I see that fire in your eyes. You cannot conceal your aspirations from me, [Summoner]!ふむ…お前のその目、面白い。[フレンド]と同じく野心が隠しきれておらんぞ…ククク。

레벨 업

Etch the pride and will of Thracia upon your mind... And alongside it, the name Travant!トラキアの意地と誇りを、しかと心に刻むがよい……!このトラバントの名と共にな。
Looking down on the wyvern knights of Thracia would be a grave mistake.トラキアの竜騎士を侮ってもらっては困る。
Argh! Intolerable!おのれ…!もう容赦はせん!


You shall get no gratitude from me.ふむ…礼は言わぬぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

The people of the Thracian peninsula, despite all that has happened, have dreamt of unification for many years.
Finally, their dream is reality! ...Yet, a certain brat from Leonster refuses to fall in line.
But the difference between us lies in our abilities to lead... And whether we can make manifest our desires.
I command my people with strength. He relies on the trust of weaklings. I will crush him before too long.
If you aspire to lead, you would do well to keep these truths at top of mind... Take that however you will.





오의 발동

Your end draws nigh.これまでだな
Victory's within reach!我が手中に!
Craven fools!雑魚どもが!
You'll be the first to falter!死ぬのは貴様だ!


Thracia...my home...我が愛しき大地よ…


Evilish laughくくく…
Remember well the name of Travant...he who will see you swallowed by the afterlife!わしがトラバントだ。冥途の土産によく覚えておけよ。
...What are you doing, clown.…なんのつもりだ。痴れ者が。
To unify Thracia is my life's work. We need that fertile, northern land.トラキア半島の統一は我らが悲願。北の豊かな土地が必要なのだ。
My people are despised as hyenas by the very countries that force us to feed ourselves on battle.我らはハイエナと蔑まれ、それでもなお他国に雇われ戦ってきた。
The mother was my enemy first...now even the daughter despises me. The blood on my hands, and the blood in her veins...are the same.血とは恐ろしいものよ…アルテナはわしを嫌っておる…
Let my people be tormented no longer. That is my only wish.民をこれ以上苦しめるな。わしの願いはそれだけだ。
I will lend you my strength only if it is a boon to my people. You will not have me just for your own selfish benefit.民のためにならば手を貸そう。ゆめゆめ私欲に走るでないぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Mercy is a luxury.容赦はいらぬ
Leave none alive!皆殺しにせよ!

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