궁사 울르/대사


I am Ullr—once called crusader. Should you have the heart to face the myriad evils, my bow is yours.我が名はウル…かつて聖戦士と呼ばれし者。人の子よ、万悪に立ち向かう心あるならば我が聖弓にて、共に敵を討ち果たさん。

Are you certain of this, Forseti? That boy is... Hm. Perhaps it is not my place.これでよかったのか、フォルセティよ……あの青年………いや…私にどうこう言える筋でもない…そうだな。
The Miracle at the Tower of Dahna was the blood contract that granted us the power to challenge Loptous.ロプトに追い詰められた人々を哀れみ神々は降臨し、我らに力を授けた。【ダーナ砦の奇跡】……血の契約だ。
A summoning ability beyond powers known even to the gods, they say...
Yet even here there are those who seek to dominate any who oppose them... Some things never change.
No matter the weapon you wield, the principle is the same: aim for your foe and strike.神器は持つ者の力を引き出すにすぎず、我が技も只人のそれと変わらぬ。ただ敵を狙い、射る……違いはない。
I've heard others from Jugdral are present as well... I hope to speak with them if possible while here.
I wish to warn them against placing too much weight on the shoulders of too few.

친구 방문

You are [Summoner], are you not?
I wish you well in your friendship with [Friend].

레벨 업

Witness strength awoken in me!ここに目覚めし我が力、とくと見るがよい!
If my blood wills it, I would accept this fight as my own...再び血が語るというのか……ならば、これも我が闘いとして。
This world is still strange to me...まだ、馴染まぬか……


True excellence is found in uplifting those who cannot yet do as you do.優れるとは他より抜きん出るということ…自他の境界を深めるということ、ゆえに…同時に、優しさを持つべきなのだと…

5성 40레벨 달성

Your power of summoning ranks you among the godly. As such... I must warn you of something.
Strength can lead a people out of darkness, but with such strength comes darkness borne upon it...
In Jugdral, we forgot that lesson. We grew arrogant...and invited disaster upon ourselves.
I do not claim to know the source of your power, nor do I know how you came by it...
I do know, however, that it is real.
While we look to the same horizon, my strength is one with yours... I ask only that we not stray from the light.


I will shoot you through!射抜く!



오의 발동

My feet stand firm.私は負けぬ!
Guide my arrow, Yewfelle.聖弓イチイバルよ!
Know well my strength.思い知れ!


My duty remains...まだ…使命が…


My name is Ullr... Once, I was called a crusader.我が名はウル…かつて聖戦士と呼ばれし者。
*gasp* What was that?きゃあっ! な、何を…
Strong light can guide us. It can drive away the darkness.強き光は人を導き…そして、闇を際立たせる…
I wish to pass this bow to one with a worthy heart.我が弓が、正しき心持つ者へと継がれることを望む…
Men are men. If mankind turns its back on the gods, it is lost.人は人…神とならんと望めば、いずれ道を外す…
The dragon we defeated…it must never return to life.かつて我らを覆った暗黒…蘇らせるわけにはいかぬ。
It brings me joy to fight by your side for this worthy cause.汝と共に使命のために戦えること、幸福に思う。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.承知した
What is it?どうしたものか…
It will be done.任せよ

캐릭터 페이지로