근검상무의 후작 우젤/대사


I am Uther, Marquess Ostia, leader of Lycia. I cannot shame myself before my brother or his acquaintances.わしはウーゼル。リキアの盟主たるオスティアの侯爵として弟たちに恥ずかしい姿は見せられんな。

Hector, the headstrong fool, has not been in contact in some time. He is a nitwit, hmph... But I worry about him.ヘクトルめ、長く連絡の一つもよこさずに。不肖の弟とはいえ、多少心配にはなる。フッ……まったく仕方のないやつめ。
I am sorry about Lord Elbert. I was powerless to help. I did wrong by Eliwood.エルバート殿のことは、わしも残念だ。何も力になれず、エリウッドにはすまないことをした。
Wounds may heal, but it seems one's innards are not so simple. One must pay for the recklessness of youth.傷は治るが、臓腑はそうもいかんらしい。若い頃の無理は、たたるというぞ。
What is Nergal after? Commanding the Black Fang across all of Elibe, stirring discord in every land...突如として現れ【黒い牙】を掌握、エレブ全土に暗躍して各国を乱し……ネルガルという者の狙いは何だ?
An invasion would be madness. My brother must understand that. If there is a problem, he must act alone.他の諸侯の領地は不可侵が原則。それが理解できぬ弟でもあるまい。問題があるなら、自ら行うしかないのだ。

친구 방문

There is something to learn from any castle. I must thank your friend for the introduction.どのような城にも学びがある。[フレンド]殿の紹介に感謝せねばならんな。

레벨 업

None should allow themselves excess luxury. Doing so can lead to mental and physical depravity!
The heart of Ostia lies in working hard and paying respect to valor.
I will aid you as much as I can.わしにできるかぎりの協力はする。
Urk... *cough* *cough* Worry not. It has settled. It was nothing.うっ……ごふっ、ごふっ!もう鎮まった、大したことはない。


Your thoughtfulness is impressive. I feel compelled to do something in return.心遣い、大したものだ。意気に感じるぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

If asked to choose between me and his country, my brother would not hesitate in rushing to my side.
Though he speaks in anger, we are brothers. We are our only family. I would never doubt his affection.
Yet what if the choice were between brother and friend? To choose one would mean abandoning the other.
He would come to despise himself, whatever his choice. Ostia's treasure must not bear such a burden.
I ask that you please think of our meeting as an important twist of fate, [Summoner].
And I want you to watch over my brother...watch over Hector.
This is the first and only request I have ever and will ever make, not as Marquess Ostia, but as a brother.





오의 발동

You fool!ばかもの!
Calm yourself!落ち着かんか!
You will not leave!抜かせはせん!
I stand for Ostia!我がオスティアよ!


It falls to you, Hector...ヘクトル…あとは…


I am Uther, Marquess Ostia. You may know Hector, my fool of a brother.オスティア侯爵ウーゼル。ヘクトルはわしの不肖の弟だ。
Oh, it is you. Haha... I thought it was that headstrong fool...むっ…? ふっ…まったく仕方のないやつめ。
Ah, Hector...don't trouble Lord Eliwood by being overly obstinate.ヘクトル、あまり我を張ってエリウッドを困らせぬようにな。
For generations, our ancestors dedicated themselves to a sort of...frugal militarism.勤倹尚武(きんけんしょうぶ)、代々受け継がれるオスティアの基本理念だ。
I still regret what happened to Lord Elbert. I was powerless to help.エルバート殿のことはわしも残念だ。何も力になれなかった…
Oswin, Hector... This is in your hands now.オズイン、ヘクトルはお前に任せたぞ。
Do your best for all of us, and I will do all I can to help you.できる限りの協力はする。がんばってくれ。

아군 턴 터치

So be it.よかろう
All will be fine.案ずるな

캐릭터 페이지로