한여름의 실력 자랑 베이크/대사
Vaike's the name. Nice to meet you! Nothin' to fear now that I'm here. Get ready for the hottest summer ever! | ヴェイクだ、よろしくな!俺様が来たからにはもう安心だ。とびきり熱い夏にしてやるよ! |
Summer's for havin' fun, and the sea's for playin'. That's instinct! The rest... Well, don't worry about it. | 夏は楽しむ! 海は全力で遊ぶ!細かいことは気にしねえ。こういうのは直感だろ、直感! |
No matter where I am, my goal is to battle Chrom and win! That's all! | どんな場所だろうと関係ねえ。クロムと勝負し、俺様が勝つ!俺様が目指すのはそれだけだ! |
Woo! Summer's the best! What's that? I'm too loud? Heh, sorry. I get carried away with this much fun! | うおぉっ! 楽しいぜ夏!声が大きい? へへっ、悪いな。ついつい、はしゃいじまったぜ。 |
I sure do like this swimsuit! I can do THIS! And THIS! So much easier than wearing heavy armor. | この水着、気に入ったぜ!重苦しい鎧を着るよりもこれくらい動きやすいほうがいいよな! |
Hey, you! Have you seen Chrom? I wanna challenge him to a swimming contest! | [召喚師]!クロムを見なかったか?今日は泳ぎで勝負しようと思ってな! |
친구 방문
Yo, there! I've got some fresh seafood for ya, from your buddy [Friend]! | よぉ! [フレンド]のダチってのはお前か?活きのいい海の幸、届けにきたぜ! |
레벨 업
Chrom! Hey, Chrom! Watch this! Even in the sea, I've got perfect form! | どうよクロム!海でも俺様は絶好調だぜ! |
Not too shabby, huh? Whaddaya say? You can be my trusty sidekick! | なかなかやるじゃねぇか。俺様の右腕にしてやってもいいぞ! |
Ahhh! My foot got stuck in the sand! Let's have a rematch! | くそっ! 砂に足を取られちまった!もう一回勝負だ! |
Nice! I feel myself warmin' up! | いいじゃねえか!身体が熱くなってきた! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Hey, [Summoner]! You know, I was thinkin' of takin' a dip and catchin' some fish. Better save your appetite— Oh no... I brought a conch instead of my harpoon! Must be 'cause I kept telling myself "don't forget your axe this time" and grabbed something similar in shape... But I can't swing a conch underwater, so I'll be goin' into the next fishing contest empty-handed! Don't worry, though. The Vaike can handle anything! I'll catch way bigger game than Chrom! It's all about spirit! Just you wait and see. My catch'll be so big it'll scare you! | よお、[召喚師]!これから海にひと潜りして魚でも取ってこようと思ってさ。 晩飯は期待していいぞ…ってやべえ!? モリじゃなくてほら貝を持ってきちまった! くそっ、次は斧を忘れちゃいけねえって気持ちが残ってたせいで、似たような形のもんを持ってきちまったのか…? 海の中でほら貝を振れるわけもねえしこうなったら素手で勝負だ! 大丈夫だ、任せとけよ!クロムよりも大物を取ってくるからよ。 こういうのは勢いが肝心だからな。腰を抜かすくらいの大物の魚を期待しててくれ! |
- | とうっ |
- | でえぃっ! |
- | どぉっ!? |
- | くそぉおっ…! |
오의 발동
Vaike has arrived! | 主役は俺様だ! |
I'm still having fun! | 遊び倒すぜ! |
I don't think so! | させねえよ! |
Impressive, right? | さっすが俺様! |
The Vaike is sunk... | あ…足がつった…! |
Whoo! | へへっ |
The seaside in summertime is top notch! Excellent choice! | 夏の海なんて最高じゃねえか! さっすがお前、気がきくなぁ! |
*startle* Oh, a treat? You could just hand it to me. | ひぇっ!? お、おお。飲み物か。…普通に渡しやがれ! |
The Vaike can never lose to Chrom—including at swimming! Now, uh, where is he?! | 俺様は泳ぎでもクロムに負けねえぞ! さあ、あいつはどこだ? |
Look at me. Now try to guess how many weapons I have on me. C'mon, guess! | 見ろ! 武器ならバッチリ持ってるぜ。 |
*yelp* That crab pinched my toe! Little does he know he's messing with the Vaike... | いてててっ! か、カニが足を…! この野郎! |
With everyone dressed to go swimming, where, uh...where am I supposed to be looking? | み、水着なんだから見ても怒られねえよな…? |
Just follow my lead, and you'll be in for the best summer of your life! | 俺様が最高の夏にしてやるぜ。さあついてこい! |
아군 턴 터치
Yeah, of course. | なるほどな |
Ooh... Hot! Hot! Hot! | 砂があっちぃ! |
Take to the sea! | 海だ海だ! |