한여름의 실력 자랑 베이크/대사


Vaike's the name. Nice to meet you! Nothin' to fear now that I'm here. Get ready for the hottest summer ever!ヴェイクだ、よろしくな!俺様が来たからにはもう安心だ。とびきり熱い夏にしてやるよ!

Summer's for havin' fun, and the sea's for playin'. That's instinct! The rest... Well, don't worry about it.夏は楽しむ! 海は全力で遊ぶ!細かいことは気にしねえ。こういうのは直感だろ、直感!
No matter where I am, my goal is to battle Chrom and win! That's all!どんな場所だろうと関係ねえ。クロムと勝負し、俺様が勝つ!俺様が目指すのはそれだけだ!
Woo! Summer's the best! What's that? I'm too loud? Heh, sorry. I get carried away with this much fun!うおぉっ! 楽しいぜ夏!声が大きい? へへっ、悪いな。ついつい、はしゃいじまったぜ。
I sure do like this swimsuit! I can do THIS! And THIS! So much easier than wearing heavy armor.この水着、気に入ったぜ!重苦しい鎧を着るよりもこれくらい動きやすいほうがいいよな!
Hey, you! Have you seen Chrom? I wanna challenge him to a swimming contest![召喚師]!クロムを見なかったか?今日は泳ぎで勝負しようと思ってな!

친구 방문

Yo, there! I've got some fresh seafood for ya, from your buddy [Friend]!よぉ! [フレンド]のダチってのはお前か?活きのいい海の幸、届けにきたぜ!

레벨 업

Chrom! Hey, Chrom! Watch this! Even in the sea, I've got perfect form!どうよクロム!海でも俺様は絶好調だぜ!
Not too shabby, huh? Whaddaya say? You can be my trusty sidekick!なかなかやるじゃねぇか。俺様の右腕にしてやってもいいぞ!
Ahhh! My foot got stuck in the sand! Let's have a rematch!くそっ! 砂に足を取られちまった!もう一回勝負だ!


Nice! I feel myself warmin' up!いいじゃねえか!身体が熱くなってきた!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, [Summoner]!
You know, I was thinkin' of takin' a dip and catchin' some fish.
Better save your appetite— Oh no... I brought a conch instead of my harpoon!
Must be 'cause I kept telling myself "don't forget your axe this time" and grabbed something similar in shape...
But I can't swing a conch underwater, so I'll be goin' into the next fishing contest empty-handed!
Don't worry, though. The Vaike can handle anything! I'll catch way bigger game than Chrom!
It's all about spirit! Just you wait and see. My catch'll be so big it'll scare you!
晩飯は期待していいぞ…ってやべえ!? モリじゃなくてほら貝を持ってきちまった!





오의 발동

Vaike has arrived!主役は俺様だ!
I'm still having fun!遊び倒すぜ!
I don't think so!させねえよ!
Impressive, right?さっすが俺様!


The Vaike is sunk...あ…足がつった…!


The seaside in summertime is top notch! Excellent choice!夏の海なんて最高じゃねえか! さっすがお前、気がきくなぁ!
*startle* Oh, a treat? You could just hand it to me.ひぇっ!? お、おお。飲み物か。…普通に渡しやがれ!
The Vaike can never lose to Chrom—including at swimming! Now, uh, where is he?!俺様は泳ぎでもクロムに負けねえぞ! さあ、あいつはどこだ?
Look at me. Now try to guess how many weapons I have on me. C'mon, guess!見ろ! 武器ならバッチリ持ってるぜ。
*yelp* That crab pinched my toe! Little does he know he's messing with the Vaike...いてててっ! か、カニが足を…! この野郎!
With everyone dressed to go swimming, where, uh...where am I supposed to be looking?み、水着なんだから見ても怒られねえよな…?
Just follow my lead, and you'll be in for the best summer of your life!俺様が最高の夏にしてやるぜ。さあついてこい!

아군 턴 터치

Yeah, of course.なるほどな
Ooh... Hot! Hot! Hot!砂があっちぃ!
Take to the sea!海だ海だ!

캐릭터 페이지로