호방뇌락 발보/대사
Hey there! Name's Valbar. If you're lookin' for some muscle, I'm your man. Just shout if ya ever need me! | おう! バルボだ。力仕事なら何でも任せてくれ。あんたの役に立ちてえんだ。 |
So, this is...another world, you say? Ya never know what life'll have in store, eh? Well, more stories to tell! | 異世界だと?まったく不思議なこともあるもんだな…あいつらへの土産話が増えたぜ。 |
Pirates killed my family, and I rushed to avenge them... Nearly cost me my life. But the Priestess saved me! | 家族の仇だった海賊を討とうとしたら、かえってピンチになっちまってな…そこを神官様に助けられたんだ。 |
Don't go pushin' yourself too hard. Giving your all is good, but ya can't do it all without relaxin' sometimes! | お前、無理してねえか?何でもやりすぎはよくねえ。たまにはパーッと遊んできな。 |
Ya busy? If ya have the time, would ya wanna grab a bite? Doesn't much matter what kind! Whatever you like. | おう、どうした。暇なのか?だったら俺と飯にでも行こうぜ。何でも好きなもの食っていいぞ。 |
Huh? Oh, I'm just polishin' my armor. Gotta be ready for anything, anytime! Speaking of...when's our next battle? | 俺かい? 鎧を磨いてる最中さ。いつでも万全の状態で戦いたいからな。さて、次の出番はいつだ? |
친구 방문
Seems [Friend]'s got a soft spot for ya. | [フレンド]がお前のこと気にしてたぜ。たまには顔を見せてやってくれ。 |
레벨 업
Oh, yeah! How about THIS? | よっしゃあ!俺もなかなかのもんだろ? |
Just gotta keep this up! | この調子でいきてえな。 |
Guh. Not my best. Sorry... | はあ…冴えねえなあ。面目ない。 |
Oh! For me? ...Ya mean it? Hey, thanks, pal. | こんな力、俺がもらっちまっていいのか?そうか…ありがとうよ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
The Heroes in your service really put in the work. Good on 'em! 'Course, there are a few oddballs too, but... Well, my guys are unique in their own right. They do mean well, but... they can be a real handful too. That said, they stood by me in my darkest hour... Takin' on a fight that was...ill-advised, to put it lightly. No words can express my gratitude. And I know if I managed to tell 'em how I feel, they'd all just laugh it off. Hm... Think I should give it a shot, do ya? Well...since it's coming from you, I'll think on it. How 'bout that? | ここにいるあんたの仲間はみんな真面目で大したもんだ。まあ、例外もいるみてえだが。 俺の部下はどうもクセが強くて…気はいいんだが扱いづらくていけねえ。 でもよ。あんな奴らでも俺なんかに付き合って無謀な敵討ちまでしてくれたんだ。 感謝してもしきれねえ。素直に言うとまた調子に乗るから言ったことはねえけどな。 なに? 言った方がいい?…そうだなあ。あんたがそう言うなら考えてみるか… |
でやあっ! | |
逃がさん! |
ぐうっ… | |
いかん…! |
오의 발동
It ends here! | ここまでだ! |
You're all the same! | 悪く思うなよ |
I'll make you pay! | もう許さねえ! |
I'll smash ya to bits! | 砕け散れ! |
I...failed. | すまん… |
Haha! | ははっ |
The name's Valbar. These days, I follow the Priestess wherever she goes and protect her. | 俺はバルボってんだ。今は神官様の護衛で、旅の途中なんだが… |
What's up? Any skulls need crackin' or are you just lookin' for entertainment? | おお、何だ? はっはっは、遊んでほしいのか? |
Me and my team... We take good care of each other. | 俺の仲間はよ、まあちっと個性的ではあるが気のいい奴らだぜ。 |
I still owe the Priestess for savin' my sorry hide. | 神官様には危ないところを救ってもらった恩があるんだ。 |
No way I'm gonna get bored fightin' alongside The Order! I'm itchin' to get out there and have some fun. | ここには強い奴がたくさんいて退屈しねえな! 俺も腕がなるぜ。 |
I'll fight to protect the innocent... I owe it to my family. *ahem* So, whatever you need, I'm your man! | 死んじまった家族の分も、誰かを助けてやりてえんだ。遠慮なく使ってくれ。 |
Pretty busy out here for a Summoner! Lemme lighten the burden a bit...whaddaya need? | あんたもいろいろ大変だろうけどよ、まあ俺に任せとけって。 |
아군 턴 터치
Whatever ya need! | おう、いいぜ! |
Huh? | んん? |
Leave it to me! | いっちょやるか! |