절망으로의 인도사 파우더/대사


I am Validar. My task is to prepare the world for Grima's rule.我が名はファウダー。ギムレー様がもたらす絶望の未来…その導き手と知るがいい。

The Fire Emblem is a threat. It is our most loathsome foe.炎の台座…ファイアーエムブレム。あれは危険なもの。我らにとって憎き仇だ。
Those who attempt to divert fate's course will not be forgiven. Grima will rule; it has been decided.運命を曲げようとする者は許さぬ。世界はギムレー様の闇に支配される。未来はすでに定められているのだ。
The end that awaits will not change, no matter how the weak conspire...群れたところで末路は変わらぬ…弱き者同士の馴れ合いほど惨めなものはない。
The followers of Naga have gathered in Askr as well? Hm. I'll have Aversa look into the extent of their presence.アスク王国にはナーガの手の者も集っているか…まあよい、インバースに子細を探らせるとしよう。
This castle seems to serve as a place of gathering for the weak and fragile. Though not all are so fragile...この城はさしずめ、脆い命の寄り集まりといったところか。む? そうでもなさそうな者もいるな…

친구 방문

Try as you might, you will not change [Friend]'s fate.誰が何をしようと…[フレンド]の運命は変わらぬ。

레벨 업

Companions? Meaningless before my awesome power!仲間? 絆?そんなものは我が力の前にはなんの役にも立たぬわ!
You will die here. Your future is already written.お前たちは負けて死ぬのだ。未来はそう決まっている。
In the greater scheme, this is but a minor setback.ふん、この程度の誤差…大局にはなんの関係もない。


Hah! With this, your destruction is assured!ククク…この力で滅びの未来へと導いてやろう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Askr's future is none of my concern.
I aid you only to gain power for myself.
I care not for the people of Askr.
The evils of this world are nothing to me. I am an agent of fate.
Whatever pitiful bonds you share cannot stop the inevitable! But do go on... I will enjoy your struggling.





오의 발동

Heh heh heh...フッハハハ
You can't escape fate!運命は変わらぬ
Wretches, all of you!貴様らごときが!




I am Validar. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.我が名はファウダー。お初にお目にかかる。
Agh! What is this childish behavior? Stop that.ん…? ふざけた真似は許さんぞ。
I will rouse Grima. The fell dragon needs only a mortal vessel...ギムレー様は竜として蘇る。その器となる肉体から…
Your rightful place is at my side, Robin. Not wasting your time with these doomed servants of Naga!ルフレよ、お前のいるべき場所はナーガの傍にはない。
Even as they resist, they write your future with every step, O great one!すべてはギムレー様、あなた様の筋書きどおりに…
All that matters is Robin's return.運命とは、決して抗えぬもの…
I look forward to building a strong bond between us. *laugh*そなたとはぜひ仲良くしたいものだ。くくく…

아군 턴 터치

They will perish.滅びるがいい

캐릭터 페이지로