월장석 발터/대사


I am Valter, the Moonstone, one of Grado's six generals. Do you seek to sate my hunger? Many have...我が名はグラド帝国六将の一人、【月長石】のヴァルター。お前も、私に食われたいか?

I live to fight. So your goal of seeking peace is...problematic...for me.私は戦いがしたいのだ。だから、この世界が平和になってもらっては困るな。
Eirika... Ephraim... These two, they are my prey. And only the finest prey will sate my bloodlust.エイリーク…それにエフラム…二人とも私の獲物…極上の獲物だ。
Are you tired? Then you must rest. Weakness saps prey of its...finer qualities.ほう、疲れているのか?ならば体を休めておけ。衰えた獲物は味を損ねるぞ?
I've no use for bloodless minnows. I hunger for prey that will sate my bloodlust...歯ごたえのない雑魚はいらん。私が食いたいのは、血の滴るような極上の獲物だ…
Training? I don't play pretend. The only way to learn to kill is to kill.訓練? 私はままごとは好かん。殺し合いの訓練は殺し合いでするものだぞ?

친구 방문

So you're the one I was sent by [Friend] to greet.
You make for delicious-looking prey, [Summoner].

레벨 업

Delicious...so very delicious.極上の獲物…くくっ、実に美味だ!
Good... But I still hunger.良いぞ。もっと私に食わせろ。
I am far from sated...こんなものでは食い足りん…


I hunger for more...more...more!実に良い獲物だ。もっともっと、私に寄越せ。

5성 40레벨 달성

A senile old fool once called me a beast—a wretched beast that lives only to kill and take what it can.
I will kill that man one day. Still, he is correct, of course. I am a beast, with a mouth full of fangs.
I do take what I want. I'll take whatever I desire. From anyone.
Knowing this, you have made use of me. And you have granted me much power...
I cannot understand your actions.
Do you intend to control me? Or do you long for me to be your master?
Either way, you have become my finest prey. I will not permit another to sate their bloodlust on you...
Just me.





오의 발동

What fine sport!楽しい遊びだ
You're just a corpse.私に食われろ
Want to get away? Hah!死ぬ気で逃げろ?
Sate my bloodlust!極上の獲物だ


Ughk... Graaaaaah!ぐっ…がぁぁぁぁっ


I am Valter, the Moonstone, one of Grado's six generals.我が名は【月長石】のヴァルター。グラド帝国六将の一人だ。
Hm? You desire to touch me?うん? 私の体が望みか?
Never think that I am yours. If you displease me, you'll regret it.私はお前のものになったわけではない。私の機嫌を損ねるなよ?
I will master you. Someday.いずれお前を屈服させ、支配してやろう。
Show me. Show me. Grovel like a dog.羊のようにあわれっぽい声で鳴いてみせろ?
Ephraim. Eirika. Delicious prey.エイリーク…エフラム…実に美味そうな獲物だ。
You are mine now. Entertain me! More!お前は私のものだ。もっともっと私を楽しませろ?

아군 턴 터치

Entertain me!楽しませろ?
I hunger!私に食わせろ。
A feast!美味そうだな?

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