만프로이의 심복 벨드/대사
I am Veld. I serve the great priest Manfroy. Speak ill and you shall find yourself made of stone. | わしはベルド。偉大なるマンフロイ様にお仕えしておる。余計な口をきくと貴公も石にしてやるぞ。 |
I can perform a rite that births fearsome warriors. Say the word, and I will offer you their strength. | わしは闇魔法の秘儀をもっておそるべき戦士を作り出すことが出来る。貴公が望むならその力を貸して進ぜよう。 |
To think that the descendants of the crusaders have gathered in this world... I should conceal my identity. | このような異世界を根城に、聖戦士の末裔どもが集結していたとはな。いまは素性を隠しておいたほうが得策よ。 |
To enter battle...is imprudent at best. Arrange it so that ambitious tools and decorated warriors do it for you... | 自ら戦場に立つなど本来は下策なのだ。野望を抱く者や功名にはやる者たちを適当に手なずけ、利用してやればよい。 |
Summoner...if you have interest in my power, we must speak. I would ask something of you... | ……召喚師殿か。わしの力に興味があるなら相談したいことがあるのだが…… |
I must briefly take my leave of you. Oh, it's nothing important... | このあとわしはしばらく席を外す。なに、大した用事ではない…… |
친구 방문
I have an interest in you... Ever since your name fell from the lips of [Friend]. | 貴公が[召喚師]か。[フレンド]から名を聞き、興味を持ち参った。 |
레벨 업
Fear and confusion will spread. As the world falls to chaos, it sinks ever further into darkness... | 恐怖と混乱を広げるのじゃ。世界が混沌と化すほどに、闇は深くなりたもう…… |
Death should not be feared, but worshipped... Its power becomes the power of the Loptr Church. | 死を恐れず、あがめるがいい……その力をロプトに捧げるのだ。 |
Tch! | ぐ……… |
Seeking my favor? Clever. | わしに取り入ろうというのか?よい心がけじゃ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Are you enjoying these battles, Summoner? No, you need not reply... Simply listen. This is neither Grannvale nor Thracia. Without Manfroy's orders, I may act as I see fit...or not act at all. You seem to understand that endless skirmishes will not bring the conflict to an end. There is a larger picture... To move the world you must listen in the shadows. Discipline your mind... Choose whether wars begin or end. Supporting the simple, honest prince of this land and becoming one of his closest confidants? A solid plan... What's that look? I am stating things plainly! Now, about that matter I had wanted to discuss... | 召喚師殿は、この戦いを楽しんでおるな?いや……口にせずともわかる。わしに目を付けたのはさすがと言っておこう。 この世界にはグランベルもトラキアもない。マンフロイ様の姿も見えぬゆえ、わしが本気で動く理由もないのだが…… 召喚師殿はよくわかっておるようだ。小競り合いの繰り返しでは戦は終わらぬと。大局というものを見なければのう。 世を動かすには陰から口をきき、手を伸ばし、勢力の頭を押さえてしまえばよい。戦を起こすも鎮めるも、思うがままとなる… …愚直を好むこの国の王子を後ろ盾にし、牙城を築いておくのも悪くはあるまいて……なに、こちらの話じゃ…それで相談だが… |
はあっ | |
Is that all? | こんなものか |
ぬぬっ | |
Such impudence... | 小癪なまねを… |
오의 발동
How shall I deal with you? | どう料理してやろうか |
Be still. | 眠るがよい |
I'll drag you down! | 道連れにしてやるわ! |
Feel my power! | わが力を思い知れ! |
This changes nothing... | マンフロイ様…お許しを… |
cackle | くっくっく… |
I am Veld. I serve the great priest Manfroy. | わしはベルド。偉大なるマンフロイ様にお仕えしておる。 |
Vex me further and you'll find yourself made of stone. | ん? あまりふざけた真似をすると、石にして眠らせるぞ。 |
Pitting Thracia against itself worked quite well, wouldn't you agree? | どうじゃ、南北トラキアを共食いさせるわしの策。うまくいったものであろう? |
That brat from Leonster and Travant are mere puppets dancing at my command. | レンスターのこせがれもトラバントも、わしの掌で踊っているにすぎぬ。 |
If it's a deadlord you want, a corpse is all I'll need. | どこぞに死人はおらぬか? わしが魔戦士を作ってやろう。 |
My death is meaningless. Loptr will not fall, struggle as you may... | わしが死んでもロプトは滅びぬ…せいぜいあがくのだな… |
A world of peace... *chuckle* Best not to speak such foolish ideas. | 世界を平和になど…できもせぬことを口にするな。くくく… |
아군 턴 터치
Leave this to me. | わしに任せよ |
Is that it? | こんなものか |
It ends here. | これまでじゃな |