늑대 아가씨 벨루어/대사


I'm Velouria. Nice to meet you. If you say you need me...then I'll do my best to fight, I guess.はじめまして…わたしはベロアです。戦闘なんて面倒くさいです…でも、わたしが必要と言うなら頑張らないこともないです…

It's not that I dislike Selkie... I'd just rather stay inside with my treasures than roughhouse.キヌのことは嫌いではないです…でも、外で激しく遊ぶのは苦手です。心静かに宝物を眺めていたいんです…
This place is full of interesting scents...so many Heroes to smell! *sniff sniff*ここには面白い匂いがします。たくさんの…英雄がいますね…くんくん…くんくんくん…
I love Daddy's scent. I never get tired of smelling it... Come to think of it, you smell pretty good, too.パパの匂いはとても素敵なのです。いくら嗅いでも飽きません…あなたからも…いい匂いがしますね。
Want to see my treasures? I have a big pile of sawdust and some rusty armor. And—oh!—a snake skin!特別にわたしの宝物を見せましょう。錆びた武具に朽ちた木屑…この蛇の抜け殻も素敵ですよね。
There's no way it's easy to keep a castle this huge clean...
I just know there are some wonderful dust bunnies lurking here somewhere!

친구 방문

You have great dust bunnies here, right? That's what [Friend] told me.[フレンド]からこの城にいいホコリが落ちていると聞いてきたのですが…

레벨 업

You could pat my head a little bit... I wouldn't mind.あたまを撫で撫でしてくれてもいいのですよ?
*sniff sniff* I smell stronger!くんくん…我ながら強くなっている匂いがします。
This is boring.…面倒くさくなってきました。


Here, take this furball! It's my way of saying thanks!ありがとうございます。お礼にこの毛玉をどうぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I really like being alone the best. Nothing bothers me, and I can do whatever I want.
Well...actually, I've changed my mind a little bit since I came here.
There are so many people here, and each has their own way of looking at things...
But they accept each other's differences.
Nobody tries to bother me if I don't want to be bothered... Nobody forces me to do anything I don't want to do.
Everyone here is so good to me... It really motivates me.
I have the feeling that if I stick with you, I'll find treasures I never could have found by myself.





오의 발동

Looks tasty.おいしそうですね
Hey! You're no dust bunny!ゴミクズ…
Too much work.面倒くさいです
A-hunting I will go!狩りの時間です




Hrm. Your smell... It's different than anybody else's.あなたは…めずらしい匂いがします。くんくん。くんくんくん…
I don't mind if you scratch me.毛繕いですか…? 撫で撫でされるのは好きです…
I'm bored. That doesn't mean I want you to give me work to do. It just means I'm bored.暇です。でも面倒くさいことは嫌いなので用事は押しつけないでください…
Hmm, not an unpleasant scent. You smell nice, in fact!別に嫌な匂いじゃないですよ。あなたは、良い匂いがします…
This is a fluffy, delightful dust bunny, if I say so myself. There's nothing quite like the downy bliss of a dust bunny's touch...これはモッフモフのホコリの塊です。この手触り…素敵です…
Daddy smells good. Being without him is a punishment every bit as bad as deathパパはとっても良い匂いです。わたしは…パパがいないと生きていけません…
That feels good. I like it when you fluff my fur.ステキな感触です…もっとモフモフしてください…

아군 턴 터치

Dust bunny!素敵なわたぼこり…
What do you want?なんでしょう…?

캐릭터 페이지로