온건제 비가르드/대사


I am Vigarde, ruler of the Grado Empire. Soon, the grasp of my rule shall expand over all of Magvel...余はグラドを統べる皇帝、ヴィガルド…マギ・ヴァルのすべてを手に入れ大陸の支配者となる存在……

The Grado Empire shall never fall... I shall seal away even the wrath of the land with our army's might!グラド帝国が崩壊することなどありえぬ…大地の怒りすら帝国軍の力で封じ込めてみせようぞ…!
A new age will come to Magvel when every Sacred Stone is destroyed. An age in which Grado reigns supreme.すべての聖石を砕いたとき…マギ・ヴァルに新たな時代が訪れる。グラド帝国による完全な支配が…
Urgh... Lyon. It falls now to you... The future... Our people...ぐっ…リオ…ン…よ…グラドの…民を…未来…を…
Traitors shall receive no mercy. Those who turn against the Grado Empire seal their own demise.裏切り者は許さぬ…グラド帝国に仇なす者は滅びの道を歩むのみ……
The Sacred Stone passed down in our land of Grado was called the Fire Emblem.
A secret, powerful stone that once sealed away the Demon King.

친구 방문

I am Vigarde, emperor of Grado.余はグラド皇帝ヴィガルド…

레벨 업

Impudent fool. Bend your knee before the Emperor of Grado.恐れを知らぬ愚か者よ。グラド帝国に跪くがいい……
All who oppose me will be utterly destroyed.余に歯向かう者…すべてを滅ぼすのだ…
Stop resisting...手間を…かけさせるな…


I feel immense power... Such that this vessel of a body can hardly contain it.力を感じるぞ…身体を突き破り、溢れるような…

5성 40레벨 달성

In the past, some have called me the Silent Emperor.
I am now one who commands with might, one who crushes enemies with the utmost prejudice.
When all the Sacred Stones in Magvel are shattered, the age of the weak will end.
A wish 800 years in the making will at last begin to take shape...
Urgh... Ah... Lyon...I...
For what reason do I hesitate? We cannot move the hands of time. The course of fate cannot be reversed...





오의 발동

You would defy me?余に逆らうか…
You vex me.くどい…
Death to all traitors.裁きを下す…




I am Vigarde, emperor of Grado—nay, all of Magvel.余はヴィガルド…。グラド帝国を…いや、このマギ・ヴァル大陸を統べるもの…
You dare lay a hand on me? You must not know fear.…余に触れるとは…恐れを知らぬか……
Frelia's Sacred Stone has been destroyed. Now, you must locate the Stone of Renais.フレリアの聖石は潰えた。だがルネスの聖石は何処かに隠されている…
Find the children of Renais. Find them and take from them the bracelets that they wear...ルネスの兄妹を追え。あの者たちの持つ腕輪を奪うのだ…
Crush the Sacred Stones housed in Jehanna and Rausten...忌まわしき聖石を…破壊せよ…
Lyon... Our people must be saved.リオンよ…、グラドの民たちを……
All decisions are mine to make. You need not concern yourself with a single detail but obeying.すべては余が決めること…。お前はただ従えばよい……

아군 턴 터치

Very well.よかろう…
Shatter them.滅ぼすのだ…

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