귀족적인 궁수 비오르/대사


I am Virion, the finest archer of the fairest of realms. Delighted to be of service.私はヴィオール。とある国から流れてきた、美しき貴族だよ。来たからには華麗に活躍させてもらおう。

Ah, cruel boredom, why must you hound me so? Perhaps I shall go and admire a mirror for a while...うーむ、貴族的に退屈だ。鏡の前に行って美しいものでも眺めることにしようかね。
I am the rightful ruler of Rosanne, a duchy in faraway Valm. I was... forced from my homeland.私はヴァルム大陸ロザンヌ地方を治めるれっきとした貴族なのだよ。今は故あって領地から離れているがね。
I have noted your good works in patrolling and leading us. You've done well to draw my eye!おや…見回り、ご苦労だね。君の頑張りはいつも見ているとも。貴族的な熱視線…嬉しいだろう?
Might I interest you in a game of chess? I promise to avoid dirty tricks till the latter half of the game.ああ君、私とチェスをしないかい?もちろん卑劣な手は後半にしか使わないさ。おっと、なんだねその嫌そうな顔は。
I've brewed some tea using some of the fascinating herbs you grow in this land... Hmm? Weeds, you say?私は今ハーブティーを飲んでいたのだよ。その辺に生えていた新鮮なハーブを使って…なに、これはただの雑草だと…!?

친구 방문

I come bearing gracious greetings for [Summoner].
Ah, from whom? Well, none other than [Friend]!

레벨 업

Please! Avert your envious gazes!あぁ…皆の羨望の眼差しが痛い…
I could do no less—not with my reputation!貴族的にはこれくらい当然だよ…
What? So little gain for my efforts?なんと!あまり変わらなかったね。


I see you have granted me power to match my splendor!どうだい、美しく華麗な姿…惚れ惚れするだろう?

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, may I steal a bit of your time, [Summoner]?
I've grown fascinated with the board games of other cultures lately. Care to play one now?
Take a look—this board is the battlefield and this dazzling little gemstone is yours truly.
All of these pieces—you move them around the board as you would fighters in a battle.
Yes, yes... Of course... Very good. You grasp the game quickly, as I suspected you would.
But I see that you're not willing to sacrifice that dazzling little gemstone...
Who can blame you? It is more scintillating than all the rest! Still, I need to tell you...
You're playing that wrong. It's better strategy to sacrifice any piece for the greater good.
Much as you could choose to rid yourself of me from your team to serve your purposes.
There are other Heroes to bring into the fold. But do I sense...that you're repelled by the idea?
You don't want to sacrifice anyone, do you? Very well. Then as the first Hero you summoned...
I will make it my duty to keep polishing myself into the most dazzling stone in your possession!
それに、私や他の誰を失ったとしても、また新しい英雄を召喚すれば戦力は……それは嫌だ? そうか…ありがとう。





오의 발동

Die with magnificence!華麗な一撃を…!
One for the bards!活躍させてもらう
Such perfection!優雅に行こう
I have a gift for you.贈り物だよ




Greetings! You appear to be in high spirits today.ごきげんよう、今日も元気そうだね
I fancy a cup of tea right now. Care to join me?ハーブティーが飲みたい気分だよ
I see that, like so many, you have been spellbound by my elegance.私の優雅な所作にうっとりしているのかい?
Isn't my ruff extraordinary? ...What?! You thought it was a bib?!お洒落なスカーフだろう? なに? よだれかけだと…!?
I know my radiance makes it difficult, but do try not to stare.ちょ、ちょっと君…そんな目で見るのはやめてくれたまえ!
*sigh* I miss the noble pastimes of my homeland.ふむ…何か貴族的な暇つぶし方法はないものか…
You may count on my help until the war is won.戦が終わるまではこの私が手を貸そう。あくまで、貴族的にね…

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ああ
Quite so.貴族的にね

캐릭터 페이지로