암야의 기사 마크스/대사


I am Xander, Crown Prince of Nohr, and wielder of the divine Siegfried. I hope to see you mete out justice.暗夜王国第一王子、マークスだ。神器ジークフリートを継承している。お前たちの正義、私に見せるがいい。

I feel as if I could learn much from Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena—the royalty of this kingdom.この地の王族からは、学ぶ事が多そうだ。アルフォンス王子やシャロン王女とも日頃から話しておくべきか…
My retainers are Laslow and Peri. You may find their behavior questionable.
But their skill in battle is certain. Besides, I've lost retainers before. I don't wish to repeat the experience.
You always look very busy. That reminds me of a time when...
Well, when one of my siblings began leading an army. So, mind your limits. Stay safe and healthy.
I'd like it if you would train with me from time to time. We don't need to spar—just do practice swings.
You'd be surprised how simply that communicates as well as words could ever manage.
I often think of my many siblings, off fighting—and who knows where?
I ask that you treat them well, should you see them.

친구 방문

Ah, greetings. Are you not [Summoner]?
I bring you best regards from your friend [Friend].

레벨 업

I wish to test my new limits. To battle!この力を試したいな。次の敵はどこだ?
Fair result for fine efforts. Yet there's more to do.いい結果だ。しかし、これに甘んじはしない。
This is not sufficient for a future king.立派な王になれるよう努めたのだがな…


My gratitude. Still, as a future king, I must strive higher.手をかけてくれて感謝する。次期王として、もっと己を高めたい。

5성 40레벨 달성

Here, take this practice sword, [Summoner]. I borrowed it from Commander Anna.
You're going to join me for training. What, don't you want to? I'm not trying to forge you into a fighter.
I believe that meeting a friend blade to blade is the truest way to give voice to our inner qualities.
In swordplay, you can share your hopes and fears as our leader and I can parry with things unsaid.
I wouldn't spar like this with just anyone. You've proven yourself worthy on the battlefield!
Now, what say you? Would you still rather not...?
Oh, you'll join me! Well then, know that it is my honor completely, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Right where I want you!ひれ伏せ
Prepare yourself!覚悟しろ
You're going home—in pieces!生きては帰さん
Down on your knees!敵うと思ったか


The end...私は…ここまでだ…


I take it that you want to chat?何か話したいのか
If you want victory, seize it. With both hands!勝利を求めるのなら、決して迷うな
No matter what, I always make time to practice with my sword. Always.私は、どのような場所でも剣の鍛錬を怠らん
I know I can be stern, but...in time, I'm sure you'll think of me as a brother.怖がる必要はない…兄とでも思って接するがいい
We must put an end to the fighting here, if only for the sake of my kingdom.国のためにも、ここでの戦は早く終わらせねばな
Where are Peri and Laslow? Surely lazing around somewhere!ピエリとラズワルドはどこだ? また遊び歩いているのか…?
You are...well liked. Which makes you the second person I've known with such...qualities.お前は人を惹きつけるのだな…そういう者を見たのは、お前で二人目だ

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行くぞ

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