수영 단련 중 마크스/대사
I am Xander, Crown Prince of Nohr. I was at a beach practicing my swimming technique, so... Well, I'm afraid your sudden summoning caught me off guard. | 暗夜王国第一王子、マークスだ。南国で泳ぎの練習をしていたのだが…いきなり呼び出されて少し動揺している。 |
I worry my appearance is lacking the decorum one requires to appear before Askran royalty, but... Well, the young prince and princess don't seem to mind. | さすがにアスク王族の前でこの格好は礼儀を欠いている気がするのだが、二人とも気にしていない様子だったな… |
Before I came here, I was embroiled in a battle against my siblings and some Hoshidan royals... It was all over a ticket to a tropical island. I won, of course. I have my retainers to thank for that. | ここに来る前、きょうだいや白夜王族たちと南国行きの招待券を賭けて勝負をしていた。臣下たちのおかげで、私が勝利したがな。 |
Does the Order of Heroes allow for vacations? We'll take care of the enemy. You go relax on the beach. It...can be fun. | 特務機関の皆は、休養は取れているか?敵なら私たちが制してやるから、たまには南国にでも行け。…楽しいぞ。 |
Tell me, [Summoner]... Can you swim? If so, I would ask that you teach me. Or, at the very least... Teach me how to float. | [召喚師]は泳げるか?泳げるのであれば教えてほしい。せめてこの身一つで水に浮ける方法を… |
This water toy resembles an astral dragon Corrin cared for. I call the toy Lilith. You may do so as well. | この遊泳具は城にいた星竜を象っている。カムイが甲斐甲斐しく世話していた子でな…お前も気軽に、リリスと呼んでいいぞ。 |
친구 방문
Greetings from [Friend]. You want to know if I'm going swimming? Don't be absurd. Everyone knows I cannot swim. | [フレンド]より挨拶だ。…今から泳ぎに行くのか、だと?まさか。私は泳げんのだぞ。 |
레벨 업
Could it be I'm more suited to fighting in a swimsuit? | もしや、私は水着姿の方が闘うのに向いているというのか…? |
Hm... Passable results for fighting in such an outfit. | 慣れぬ姿で戦ったがまずまずの成果だな。 |
Has the heat dulled my senses? I must redouble my efforts. | 暑さで勘が鈍ったか…?次は気をつけるとしよう。 |
You have my gratitude. This will be a fine summer thanks to you. | 礼を言う、[召喚師]。おかげで良い夏になりそうだ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Pardon my saying, but I've had this on my mind for some time... It's awfully bold of you to force a crown prince such as myself to fight in little more than a swimsuit. No, no, I don't mean to sound upset. On the contrary, in fact. I seldom get the chance to feel free of my armor. And even more seldom do I feel so free from the burdens of the crown. My title of Crown Prince of Nohr carries no weight in this realm. I can walk along clutching my water toy Lilith and none give me a second glance. I've experienced nothing like it before. So, [Summoner] you have my gratitude. Thank you for an unforgettable summer. I shall remain by your side until I must return home. | まったく…前々から思っていたが、このマークスを水着一枚で戦わせるなどお前は肝の据わった召喚師だな。 いや、責めているわけではない。私は嬉しいのだ、重い鎧や冠から解放され一人の男として時を過ごせることが。 この地では暗夜王国第一王子という肩書など何の意味もない。遊泳具を小脇に抱えて闘っていても、 ふらりと一人で出歩いたとしても、誰も咎める者はいない。私にとっては、初めての経験だ。 礼を言う、[召喚師]。私に忘れられぬ夏の時間をくれて。再び国に戻る日まで…私はお前と共に。 |
せいっ | |
むんっ |
おわっ | |
Lilith...! | リリス…! |
오의 발동
Right where I want you! | ひれ伏せぇ! |
Tropical attack! | 南国アタック! |
Rot in a watery grave! | 海の藻屑となれ! |
I cannot swim! | 私は泳げん! |
Back again... | 南の島に…帰るとしよう… |
Whew... | ふっ… |
This garment lacks protection. That...concerns me. | この格好は防御面が不安だな |
This flotation device is my only defense against my greatest adversary. Sinking. | 海では遊泳具が手放せん、無いと沈んでしまう |
Sorting seashells... This one from that one... Good fun. | この貝殻は…ふむ、こういった種類なのか… |
I was asked to compose a list categorizing every...beauty of the beach? Odd request. | 水着の女性はいないか? 偵察を頼まれていてな |
I don't mean to scowl on a beach. I'm just concerned about things, that is all. | 青い空、美しい海、そして眉間にしわを寄せた私か… |
I left my retainers behind. Worrisome. Chaos is ever their companion. | 留守を頼んだ臣下たちが心配だ…悪さをしていないといいが |
Should you require fun, I highly recommend a tropical vacation. | 南国は楽しいところだぞ。お前も、機会があれば一度行ってみるといい |
아군 턴 터치
Oh! | ふむ… |
Hmm, hot. | 暑いな |
Where is this sea? | 海はどこだ |