신춘 탈토처럼 샨브레/대사


My name is Yarne. I've heard that this is the year of the rabbit, so I'll try to keep a hop in my step all year.俺の名はシャンブレー。今年はウサギが主役と聞いてさ。新年から張り切ってみようかなって!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Feels nice to just yell sometimes, right? I definitely feel safer knowing I can call for help.あけましておめでとうございます!よし、今年も大声が出せているな。これで、いざというときも安心だ。
In my world, we didn't have the time to celebrate the new year. It took everything we had just to survive...俺がいた未来の世界は正月を祝っている暇なんてなかったな。生き延びることで精一杯だったし…。
The year of the rabbit in your world is once every twelve years, right? That's a lot of years...聞いたぞ、異界にはウサギが主役の年があるんだってな。へー。12年に一度巡ってくるのか。
This kimono is nice and all, but it's kind of hard to move around in. What if someone attacks me?このキモノとかいう装束とても立派で着心地もいいんだけどさ。走りにくいからちょっぴり不安だよ。
Mother really looks good in a kimono! So confident and beautiful... I'm proud to be her son.母ちゃんのキモノ姿、似合ってるな!綺麗で凛々しくて…息子の俺もなんだか誇らしいな。

친구 방문

Hey there! I've got a New Year's gift and well wishes for you from your friend [Friend].[フレンド]さんから年明けの贈り物を預かってきたぞ。今年もよろしくと伝えてくれってさ。

레벨 업

Not sure why, but I'm feeling really good this year! At this rate, I'll be safe from extinction!今年はなんだか調子がいいぞ!これなら絶滅とは無縁でいられるな!
W-well, the year has only just begun. It's OK to take it slow and steady.まだ1年ははじまったばかり。気を抜かないようにしないとな。
Oh, no... This is really, really bad. Sorry, Mother, I couldn't save the taguel from extinction...嫌な予感しかしない。やっぱりタグエルは絶滅するんだ…。


This'll be perfect for avoiding any danger! ...That is what it's for, right?これがあれば絶滅の危機から全力で逃げ切れる!

5성 40레벨 달성

Something about a new year just makes me want to jump around. Like, boing!
After all, a new year means I survived the last one! So here's hoping nothing bad happens this year either.
It's not all bad to go in blind, though. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so excited right now.
That said, I can't be careless! A rash taguel can meet their end in the blink of an eye!
But I'm going to survive this year, along with Mother. Side by side, as mother and son.
Needless to say, I'll be counting on you, [Summoner]!





오의 발동

Happy New Year!明けましておめでとう!
Let's celebrate!新年を祝うぞ!
I'm not dying this year!今年も生き延びる!
I'll hop circles around you!飛び跳ねてやる!


I can't go extinct...滅んじゃ…だめだ…


A new year has begun! Let's make it a good one, OK?年が明けたぞ! 今年もよろしくな。
Ah! Hey, watch it! These ears are off limits!うひゃいっ!? み、耳を引っ張るなんて反則だぞ!
There's a "Year of the Rabbit" in your world? *gasp* Rabbits get a whole year?異界にはウサギの年があるんだろ? やっぱりウサギはすごいんだ!
My Anti-Extinction Exercise Program is the perfect way to start the year on the right foot! One, two, one, two...一年の始まりはやっぱり絶滅しないぞ体操からだな。いち、に、さん、し…
Oh, this? It's a talisman meant to ward off extinction.これか? これは絶滅しないように願掛けしたお守りだ。
*sniffle* Check it out—Mother gave me a New Year's gift!母ちゃんにお年玉もらっちまった。へへ…
You know, it's scary not knowing what the new year might bring...but I'm still gonna give it my all!新しい年、何が起こるかわからなくて怖いけど…。俺、がんばるから!

아군 턴 터치

Got it!わかった!
Err... Which way?ど、どっちだ?
Off to a great start!初任務だ!

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