백야왕국의 군사 유키무라/대사


I am Yukimura, a humble tactician from Hoshido with much to learn. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.白夜王国の軍師、ユキムラと申します。浅学非才の身ではありますがどうかお見知りおきくださいませ。

The replenishment of soldiers and restoration of morale are important considerations in the art of war.兵法において士気の回復と兵力の補充は最も価値あるものとされています。整えることがなにより肝要なのです。
My father was also a tactician, but I gained much of my knowledge about war from King Sumeragi as well.私の父も軍師でしたが先代の白夜王、スメラギ様からも多くの軍略を学ばせていただきました。
The Order of Heroes is truly a well-organized army. I admire the skill of their tacticians.ヴァイス・ブレイヴは実に統率が取れた軍ですね。軍師としての手腕、感服いたします。
Do you have an extra set of glasses? I'm embarrassed to admit that I tend to break mine soon after I get them.メガネの予備はございますでしょうか?恥ずかしながら私はメガネをすぐに割ってしまうもので…。
I engage in battle using automatons. I create them as well.私は絡繰人形とともに戦います。絡繰人形の制作も私自身が手がけているのですよ。

친구 방문

My name is Yukimura. I come with a message of your enduring friendship with [Friend].[フレンド]さんの使いで参りました、ユキムラと申します。変わらぬ友好の証をお届けいたします。

레벨 업

Excellent results. It was worth the effort to develop a strategy.上々の結果です。策を講じた甲斐がありました。
All according to my calculations.この流れ、計算通りでございます。
That's strange. Was there something I miscalculated in my preparations?おかしいですね。なにか不備があったのでしょうか…。


This power is...fascinating. I shall utilize it in my next strategy.この力…興味深いですね。さっそく次の策に活かしましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I once developed terrifying strategies utilizing traps and automatons to eradicate the enemy.
My strategies were exceptional, but King Sumeragi, ruler of Hoshido then, reprimanded me severely for them.
He said one must not kill the enemy without also considering the lives that we are chipping away at.
His words reminded me the enemy has family too. Each loss of life brings devastating sorrow with it.
It is enough to subdue one's enemies without destroying them completely. That is the true measure of victory.
I am motivated to be the kind of tactician who is able to analyze a situation and bring about true victory.
The kind of victory in which as many lives as possible are saved.





오의 발동

Only flesh.無駄ですよ!
Exactly as planned.策通りです
Away with you.お引き取りください!




I am Yukimura. I still have much to learn. That said, I am here to help in any way I can.私はユキムラ。浅学非才の身ではありますがどうかお見知りおきを。
Oh... You should never do that. Push people, that is.おっと…。いけませんよ、人を押しては。
In Hoshido, I served as Queen Mikoto's tactician.白夜王国では、ミコト女王の軍師として仕えておりました。
I think Corrin's return is a message from the gods.カムイ様がお戻りになったことは天の思し召しに違いありません。
It is said that the Yato was forged to be the key to peace in our world.【夜刀神】はこの世に救いをもたらす唯一無二の刀なのです。
Queen Mikoto foresaw her own death.ミコト様は、ご自身の死を予感しておられました…
You are the one I am to serve now, correct?私が今お仕えすべき主はあなたなのですね。

아군 턴 터치

A new plan?どうしましょう?
As intended.作業開始です

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