활기찬 성야의 사자 유나카/대사


It's that mysterious winter envoy, Yunaka, here to spread holiday cheer!冬祭りの使者ユナカ、参上ですぞ!このわたくしめが来たからには、最高の冬をお約束いたします!

I thought delivering these presents was a covert mission... But these duds are pretty flashy!眠る子供たちに贈り物を配る。その隠密行動をする衣装がこれとは…さては隠れる気がありませぬな!?
Don't think I ever got a winter festival gift, myself. But I'm more of a giver than a taker, so suits me just fine!冬祭りの贈り物を貰った記憶はありませぬ。でも、わたくしめは貰う側よりも与える側を望みますゆえ、これで良いのです。
Summoner! Getting chilly? I could lend you my cloak! But then I'll be the one who's cold? Well, yeah.召喚師氏! もし寒いのであれば、わたくしめのマントをお貸ししますぞ!え? それではわたくしめが寒そう…?
Sure is nice how everybody is all smiles at this festival. No kids shivering in alleys here...祭りは皆が笑顔で良いですなあ。路地裏で寒さに凍える子どもたちは…この国には、あまりおりませぬかな?
Sharpened my blades up! I hear that all kinds of things need to be sliced at festivals. Meat and cakes, I mean!刃物を念入りに研いでおりましたぞ。冬祭りのご馳走は肉やケーキなど、取り分けるものが多いと聞きましたのでな!

친구 방문

Here comes the winter envoy on her spiffy sleigh with a greeting from [Friend]. Zappy!やっぴー! 冬祭りの使者ですぞ![フレンド]氏の城からソリに乗り、挨拶を届けに参りました!

레벨 업

You know two things that make a big difference the more you pile 'em up? Snow and effort.雪も努力も、積もり積もればすごいことになるのですぞ!
Small presents can be the best presents of all. Now that's why I love this festival!小さな贈り物も嬉しいですな。冬祭りの醍醐味ですぞ。
Dang. I'm usually good in the cold.すみませぬ!寒さには強いはずなのですが…


A gift? I'm gonna go climb a fir tree, I'm so chuffed!わたくしめに贈り物を?モミの木にものぼるような喜びですぞ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Zappy! Want a present? No? You're not a kid anymore? Now that's no fun!
I'd have thought you, of all people, wouldn't care about that kind of thing. This is a festival for everybody!
And whether it's the haughtiest noble or the lowliest commoner, I plan to bring each of them a present!
It may just be the clothes talking, but I want to serve everybody a little slice of joy this season.
So, point is, let me know what you want. You may just wake up to find something by your mantelpiece!
やっぴー! 召喚師氏は冬祭りの贈り物に何をお願いするのですかな?え? 子供ではないので別に…?
というわけで、欲しいものが決まったらわたくしめにお教えくだされ! 翌朝…枕元に何かあるやもしれませぬぞ!?





오의 발동

Dropped your gift...贈り物よ…
Take a break.浮かれすぎだわ…
I work holidays.冬祭りの任務よ…
Winter engage!メリーエンゲージ…


Spring will come...春が…恋しいですな…


Zappy winter festival! *chuckle* Are you having fun?やっぴー! 冬祭り、楽しんでおられますかな?
Ooo, the snow's really coming down! I hope it sticks!雪が降ってきましたな…! 積もると良いですな!
How's the cold treating you? Honestly, I love it.わたくしめ、寒いのは得意なのです。皆様は体を冷やさぬよう!
Me? Flashy clothes? Nah, you're thinking of somebody else.そこが気になりますか? 派手な服装は落ち着きませぬなあ。
So this whole thing is like one big robbery in reverse, right? And it's for kids?! Sign me up!贈り物を持って、良い子の所に? 忍び込むのは得意ですぞ。
Snow is good for cover. And for dumping bodies.雪は、殺しには好都合だわ…姿も気配も隠してくれるから……
I'm so excited for the winter festival, I could crow like a turkey! *crow* Wait. That was a rooster, wasn't it?折角の冬祭りですので、七面鳥の物真似でもいたしましょう!「コーケコッコー!!」 …失敬、これはニワトリでしたな。

아군 턴 터치

Let's get festive.祭りですな
*shiver* Brisk out!冷えますなあ!
Snowball fight!雪ですぞーっ!

캐릭터 페이지로