어스름을 통솔하는 자 율리스/대사


Shocked? Like anyone else has looks like mine... I'm Yuri—but you already know that. Anyway, see ya around.何を驚いてんだよ、こんな美貌の持ち主が世に二人といるはずないだろ?伝説の美少年ユーリスだ…またよろしくな!

Gold is gold. It doesn't matter where it comes from when you're in need. It's how you feed your family...どんな出所でも、金は金だ。良いも悪いもねえよ。それで家族が食える…一番大事なことだろ。
You can't simply remain underground if you want to see love and justice in the world.愛や正義なんてお題目を掲げたところで裏の世界じゃ生きていけないぜ。
A plague nearly ended my life... Do your best to keep warm and dry—stay rested and healthy.俺は流行り病で死にかけたことがある…せいぜい、体を冷やさないようにな。
You have a scrap heap here? Can you take me to it? Scrap is a great way to learn about the people who tossed it.
And sometimes you can find some good stuff too.
Are you following me or something? Well...nothing to see here. I'm out running a few errands. That's all...俺を見張ってでもいるつもりか?……個人的な野暮用だ。あんたには迷惑かけねえよ。

친구 방문

Nice to meet you. I'm Yuri, here on behalf of [Friend].
I've got a gift for you. Here.

레벨 업

I can't be caught. Even my name is a disguise. My enemies just end up chasing my shadow. That's how it is.俺をとらえることなど出来やしねえ。この名前と同じで……敵は俺の幻影を追っているにすぎないんだからな。
I am not some dog that wags his tail and begs for scraps... I'd bite through my chains and kick open my cage!尾を振って餌を貪るだけの狗になるなんて俺は御免だね!鎖を食い千切り、檻を蹴破ってやる!
That's how it is, is it? Time to switch things up then.どうもこうもねえよ。切り替えていくしかないだろ!


So long as our efforts are aligned, I'll happily work alongside you.利害が一致する限りは、ありがたく協力させてもらう。それでいいよな?

5성 40레벨 달성

Most of my comrades will do what I ask with little wheedling... But you people here are all even easier marks.
Not that I'm scheming. Though, of course, I'm not above a little villainy if it's for my family.
That's the code I live by.
...I can spot a person's weakness from a glance. Even if they mask it, people are essentially selfish.
That's why we're stronger together, with our friends—when you have others to lean on.
I have friends like that back home.
I remember them in the light of the mornings there. It was always warm, and everything was beautiful...
You and I are going to have a long friendship too. I've already decided to stick around. It'll be good!





오의 발동

You're gonna love this.これでどうだ
Too little too late.遅いんだよ!
Got a death wish, friend?そんなに死にてえか!


Guess that's it...こんなもんか…


Me, a legendary hero? Well, fancy that.伝承の英雄って、俺が? へえ…
Uh, watch it with the hands, friend.うわっ!? なんだよ、慣れなれしいな。
Folks must have really talked me up over the years, if I'm some kind of legend.後世の人間も見る目があったってことだな。
Put me on a pedestal if you insist. I'm not gonna let it go to my head.祭り上げられたからって別に俺は変わらねえよ。
What is it that's legendary about me, exactly? Apart from my pretty face, obviously.俺様の顔が良すぎて、伝説にまでなっちまったか。
If nothing else, I'm glad that all I've done wasn't for nothing.俺のやってきたことは無駄じゃなかったんだな…
Hungry? I could whip something up for you.腹減ってないか? なんか作ってやるぜ。

아군 턴 터치

Give an order.指示をくれ
I'll handle this.任せとけ

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