잃어버린 과거 지크/대사


I have yet to regain my memories, including my real name... But for now, you may call me Zeke.私の名はジーク。本当の名ではないが…私には記憶がないのだ。

Why are there other men here who so strongly resemble me?
I'll admit I feel a connection to them, though. Even the one with the mask...
Emperor Rudolf is like a father to me. I'd have remained at his side had his orders not led me to the Deliverance.ルドルフ陛下は父にも等しいお方。しかしその陛下の命で私はソフィア解放軍に属しているのだ。
I know well the unease that comes with finding oneself in a foreign land. Do not let it trouble you much.慣れぬ異国へ身を寄せる不安は私にもよくわかる。無理はせぬことだ。
Tatiana and I are meeting for tea, if you would like to join. She said she would be baking a cake as well.ティータに茶に誘われているのだが君も来ないか。茶菓子を手作りすると言っていた。
Have you seen Tatiana, by chance? We were to meet here, but I fear she has gotten lost in the castle halls...ティータを知らないか?散歩をしようと約束していたのだがまた城の中で迷子になっているのか…

친구 방문

I've come with fond greetings from [Friend]. Might you be [Summoner]?[フレンド]の城から参上した。挨拶をしたいのだが…[召喚師]は君か?

레벨 업

My daily training continues to bear fruit.日々の精進が形になったな。
I could do better, yes... But I daresay not many could, so I believe this is satisfactory.多少物足りないが…こんなものか。
Forgive me... I'm just not myself today.すまない、本調子ではないようだ。


You would grant me this power? I am honored.このような力を私に…光栄だ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have not failed to notice or appreciate the attention you have paid me since I was summoned here.
You remind me of the emperor in his prime. Despite his position, he took in a stranger like me.
Rudolf has taken my true father's place in the void that is my memory. I intend to repay everything in kind.
But many twists of fate have taken me far from his side—once to the Deliverance, and now to Askr.
My fate is out of my control. But I can promise that I will serve you as honorably as I served him.





오의 발동

Think you can beat me?私に勝てるか?
You're out of luck.運が悪かったな
Have you said your prayers?祈りはすんだか
Do not think badly of me.悪く思うな


Forgive me, Tatiana...すまない…ティータ…


My name is Zeke. It is true that I'm a warrior of Rigel, but I have my reasons for fighting for the Deliverance now.私はジーク。リゲルの将だが、今は訳あってソフィア解放軍に属している。
Hm? Oh, it's you. Ha... The way you tug on my sleeve reminds me of Tatiana.っ……! やれやれ。まるでティータのようなことをするな。
I still have no recollection of who I am or from whence I came.私は、自分が何者かを知らない。過去の記憶がないんだ。
Simply being with Tatiana puts my mind at ease. She may be a bit clumsy, but she always does her best.ティータといると心が安らぐ。そそっかしいが、いつも一生懸命なんだ。
Emperor Rudolf accepted as a father does his own son. I could never betray that trust.ルドルフ陛下は私にとって父親にも等しいお方。裏切ることなどできない。
Her face is dim, but it is there, etched in the recesses of memory. The face of my... My...かすかに記憶に残る面影…彼女は私の……
In this world, you are my lord, and thus I swear my fealty as a knight to you.この世界での主君は君だ。騎士として、君に忠誠を誓おう。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.いいだろう
Embrace your fate.これも定めだ

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