새로운 사랑 셀레스티아/대사


Did you summon me, Zelestia, leader of the Four Winds? Then, I am happy to make your acquaintance!四翼の頭領、セレスティアです。あら、あなたが呼んでくださったんですの?お会いできて嬉しいですわ!

I think I might be hungry. The last time I ate was... Um... Ugh! I forgot to eat again. Always so much to do!なんだかちょっと小腹が空いたような。前に食事をしたのは、ええと……大変!丸三日、食事をするのを忘れているわ!
The Four Winds lost a member. Still, no matter where we are, I believe the four of us will always be together.私たち四翼は、一翼が欠けています。ですが今でも、どんな世界にいても、四人はずっと一緒だと思っていますのよ。
It is a bit chilly here, isn't it? You can sit closer if you like. Mage Dragons have a high body temperature.この場所は少し肌寒いですわね。宜しければ傍に寄ってくださいな。うふふ、魔竜族は体温が高いんですの。
How moving to see Lumera and Alear talking as they did in my world, back when they both still lived.ルミエル様とリュール様が話されているのを拝見すると、なんだか感慨深いですわ。私の世界の、生前のお二人のようで…
My magic may be weak among Mage Dragons, but I won't complain. I will still protect everyone as best I can.私は魔竜族の中では魔力が弱くて。でも、泣き言なんて言っていられませんわ。四翼の頭領として、みんなを守るんですの。

친구 방문

I took great care to deliver you this warm and thoughtful greeting from your friend [Friend]![フレンド]さんから、親愛のご挨拶ですわよーっ!大切に抱えて持ってきましたの。

레벨 업

I want to achieve strength befitting my role as leader of the Four Winds.四翼の頭領として、相応しい力を手にしたいの。
Even the smallest changes fill my heart with joy!少しの変化も嬉しいのが、乙女心よね。
Odd. I'm still young for a Mage Dragon. I should be improving faster.おかしいわね。魔竜族としてはまだ若いはずなのだけれど…


Oh my, thank you. I am touched by this gesture!まあ、ありがとうございます。セレスティア、感激ですわ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Welcome home! You must have had a difficult day full of missions, patrols, and summoning.
Oh? Was "welcome home" an unusual way to greet you?
But the Order of Heroes is home. It is a family of sorts, like the Four Winds that I have long been a part of.
We take on different roles within that family—parents, siblings, children— but you are clearly the head of it.
I'd like to be a mother figure, though it is presumptuous to claim that title, or a needy child from time to time.
I shall support you with unconditional love, so keep coming home healthy, all right, [Summoner]?
おかえりなさいませ!今日も任務や見回り、召喚お疲れ様です。え? 独特な迎え方…? そうでしょうか。





오의 발동

You'll never take what's mine!何も奪わせない…!
The Winds are victorious.四翼として…!
For the Mage Dragon tribe!魔竜族の御業よ!
You've been naughty!もう、いけない子!


We'll always be family...ずっと、家族よ…


I am Zelestia, leader of the Four Winds. I will fight for the Divine Dragon, even in this world.四翼の頭領、セレスティア。この世界でも、神竜様の為に戦うわ。
Ooh! *giggle* Oh! That tickled. *giggle* Should you surprise me in that way again, I shall return the favor.ひゃあ! くすぐったい。そうくるなら私からも、お返ししちゃうわよ~?
Mage Dragons have a high body temperature. Feel free to stand closer if you're cold.魔竜族は体温が高いの。寒いなら、こっちにいらっしゃいな。
Oh, I forgot to make time for a meal again. I suppose I should make up for it.また食事をするのを忘れていたわ。今から3日分を食べてこなきゃ。
I lost someone important to me in my world... Please, do not leave me like that.元いた世界では、大切な人を喪ったの…どうかあなたは、死なないでね。
Even if we are apart, the Four Winds will always be together. Even Mauvier.私とグレゴリーとマデリーンと、それからモーヴ。離れていても、ずっと一緒よ…
The Order of Heroes is like a family. I can see myself enduring even the most difficult of battles so I may return here.特務機関は、まるで大きな家族のようね。どんなにつらい戦いでも、ここに帰るためなら頑張れそうだわ。

아군 턴 터치

All right.はい
Awaiting orders.四翼セレスティア
How exciting!高鳴りますわね

캐릭터 페이지로