신랑의 맹세 제롯/대사


I am Zelot, mercenary captain of Ilia's knights, and husband to my beloved Juno. How may I be of service?私はイリア傭兵騎士団長、ゼロット。このような華やかな場は不慣れだが妻のユーノとともに盛り立てていきたい。

They say a bride is most radiant on her wedding day, yet none more so than my dear Juno. I am a lucky man!花嫁衣装をまとったユーノは物語に出てくる美姫のように美しいな。我が妻ながら、とても幸せそうだ。
The harsh realities of mercenary life have torn many Ilian clans apart.
In the end, as long as Ilia herself benefits, she will always endure.
I hope Thea and Shanna find partners worthy of them. I suppose after that, it won't be long until they're wed.ユーノの妹、ティトとシャニーもいずれ誰かと結ばれるのであろう。願わくば、よい伴侶に恵まれてほしい。
I would like nothing more than a day with my Juno—not as a fellow soldier, but as a loving husband.今日は将軍という身分ではなく一人の男として、ユーノの想いを受け止めてみたいものだ。
Juno and I first met on an Etrurian battlefield. She had been hired by our enemy.
Rather than fight, I tried to reason with her. Things just...grew from there.

친구 방문

I'm Zelot, mercenary captain of Ilia's knights. Please accept this gift from [Friend].私はイリア傭兵騎士団を預かるゼロット。[フレンド]より祝いの品をお持ちした。改められよ。

레벨 업

I swear that I will protect you no matter the cost, down to the very last fiber of my being.この命、すべてを賭してお前を守ると誓おう…!
The truth is that I only do this to make others happy. Yet who am I to argue with self-improvement?大切な人を幸せにするためだ。これくらいはやってみせねばな。
Ilia's knights make their living as hired muscle. Our reputation is everything. It does us no good to get sloppy.我ら傭兵騎士団は血を払って金を得ている身。祭りとは言え不甲斐ないところは見せられない…


As long as this power is mine, no harm shall come to those whom I love. I swear it as a knight of Ilia.この力で、かけがえのない命を守る。イリアの騎士の誓いにかけて…!

5성 40레벨 달성

I cannot thank you enough for inviting me to such a wonderful festival, [Summoner].
Ordinarily, us soldiers spend all our time finding a way to survive long enough to see another sunrise.
Such a life can be difficult for those in love. I'm sure my dear Juno often worries about me. And I about her.
But seeing her smile, radiant in her wedding dress... That is a gift I can never hope to repay.
That sight alone is more than enough to convince me that everything we've gone through has been worth it.
I will do whatever it takes to see that smile again. Rest assured that as long as I'm here, I will protect us all.





오의 발동

Blessed day.祝福を
This, I swear to you.私はお前を…
A vow of love.愛を誓おう
I will protect you!守ってみせる


I am sorry, Juno...ユーノ…すまない…


I am unused to this attire. Does it...suit me?このような装いは慣れてなくてな…。おかしくはないか?
Woah! I'm uneasy enough without you doing your best to unman me.うわっ…! 今、驚かせるのはやめてくれ。心臓に悪い。
We had a small ceremony... Nothing so grand as all this.故郷で式をあげたことはあるが、このように華やかなものでは…
Forgive me. Seeing Juno looking so radiant...it gladdens my heart.私はともかく、美しい衣装を着たユーノを見ることができて嬉しいよ。
It's my day to be teased by Shanna and the rest. Ah, well.シャニーたちに何とからかわれるか…やれやれ。
As long as I live, you will be safe. This I swear.私の生涯をかけて守ると、誓おう…
I'm a little nervous, but I take courage knowing you are by my side.少々緊張するが、君がついていると思うと心強い。

아군 턴 터치

I do.わかった
I'm a little nervous.緊張するな

캐릭터 페이지로