고혹의 마룡 세피아/대사


I am Zephia, a Mage Dragon who has lived thousands of years. If I am to serve you, I need something in return.数千年を生きる魔竜族、セピアよ。私を呼んだのは貴方?従う代わりに、何をくれるのかしら。

I'm bored. Are you going to give me something to do, or would you really rather I just stand here?はあ…退屈だわあ。使うなら早く使ってちょうだいな。愛をくれれば、その分奉仕するわよ?
I wonder how long it took Lord Sombron to notice my absence. Or indeed, if he noticed at all.ソンブル様はどうしていらっしゃるかしら。私がいないことにお気づきかしら。…あの方はきっと気にも留めないわね。
You poor thing! You look worn out. Why not take a little nap? I can run things around the castle for a while...お疲れなら癒してあげるわよ?さあ、もっとこちらにいらっしゃいな。そう。今日はやめておくの、残念だわ。
A happy family of Heroes living in harmony... Oh, how I would love to turn them on each other!仲睦まじい英雄同士を見ると、無性に壊してしまいたくなるの。うふふ…貴方が止めるなら、我慢してあげるわ。
Why yes, I have been watching you. I simply like to know what you're getting up to. Is that a crime?ここからずっと、貴方を見ていたの。視線に気づいてくれて嬉しいわ。どうぞ、仕事の続きをしてきたら?

친구 방문

Is this the right place? All these castles look the same... Anyway, [Friend] says hello.ここで合っているのかしら…?ま、誰に話しても同じよねえ。[フレンド]から挨拶よ。

레벨 업

You cannot begin to grasp a Mage Dragon's full power.魔竜族の力はこの程度のものではないわよ?
Did I improve or didn't I? It's a simple question.あら、何か変わったかしら?確認しておいて頂戴。
My, you do nag, don't you? What happened to "just do your best"?うるさいわねえ。また頑張れば良いでしょう?


Such sweet attention! It seems someone is fond of me.こんなに目をかけてくれるだなんて、もしかして私が好きなのかしら?

5성 40레벨 달성

A fine day, isn't it? Diminished only somewhat by a question that's been bothering me...
Summoner, why did you bring me here? Was it a passing fancy? An accident?
And why, since my arrival, have you shown me such kindness? I simply do not understand.
If it is my heart you want, you won't have it. I seek family. People who love me and only me.
Because your attention is split among countless others, undivided love is something you cannot give.
So, as fond as I am of you, you will have to content yourself with being second to Lord Sombron.





오의 발동

No quarter!許さないわ
You've been naughty.いけない子
What a nuisance.邪魔だわぁ
We Hounds have triumphed!四狗として


Lord Sombron...ソンブル…様…


I trust that we'll be friendly during my stay, won't we, dear summoner?ここにいる限りは仲良くしましょう。ねえ、召喚師サマ?
Curious about my horns? All right, you can touch—just this once.あらぁ? ツノでも気になるの? いまなら触れても許してあげるわ。
Since you summoned me, you must take good care of me...or else.私を召喚したのだから、責任をもって愛情を注いで頂戴ね。さもないと…
There are no Emblem rings in this world, are there? I suppose that's fine. Less bloodshed that way.この世界に紋章士の指輪はないのね…良いんじゃない? 争いの火種は少ない方が。
You remind me of someone I know. She's an obnoxious little gnat too.あーもう、虫けらみたいに私の周りをチョロチョロと…まったく、誰かとそっくりね。
Lord Sombron... I wonder if you miss me at all.ソンブル様…あの方は私がいなくなって、何を思うのかしら…
My dear, sweet summoner. You have my cooperation. If it's my undying devotion you seek, then you will need to show me the same in return.私だけを愛してくれないなら、情など不要よ、召喚師サマ。けれど…そうね。こうして気にかけてくれるうちは、従ってあげても構わないわ。

아군 턴 터치

What is it this time?どうしたいの?
I'm listening.聞いてあげる

캐릭터 페이지로