닌자검호 츠이하크/대사


My name is Zihark. I'm dressed as a... ninja? It's not my usual line of work, but I'll do my best.俺の名はツイハーク。この格好は、忍…といったか。慣れない任務だが、よろしく頼む。

It's a strange ask to learn the way of the ninja...but I'll do my best since it's now my role at the festival.忍者のなんたるかを学ぶこと…風変わりな内容だが、依頼は依頼。がんばってみよう。
Remembering faces is a skill I learned as a mercenary. I should be able to put it to use as a ninja too.傭兵という職業柄…人の顔を覚えるのは慣れている。この特技は忍者にも活かせるはずだ。
Ninja also carry around preserved food. No matter the discipline, it's hard to fight on an empty stomach.忍者食という保存食があるのか。空腹は剣を鈍らせるからな。俺も常に保存食を持っているんだ。
This garb is flexible and allows for quiet travel. I see, it's meant to aid in the success of covert operations.この装束は実に動きやすいな。布地がずれる音もしないし隠密行動にはうってつけというわけか。
We should investigate that strange house over there... Let's move very discreetly.おや、向こうに怪しい民家が見えるな。少し探りを入れてみようか。くれぐれも慎重に。

친구 방문

Yes, I'm dressed like a ninja, and yes, I come with a coded message. But I'm just a mercenary.こんな格好をしているが、俺は傭兵だ。[フレンド]の城から密書を届けにきた。

레벨 업

So this is how to maintain a ninja's blade? Sword arts and ninja teachings are comparable, that's for sure.武器の手入れのおかげか。剣と忍は通じるものがあるようだ。
Feels like I'm starting to get used to being a ninja.忍者として少しはサマになってきたかな。
Completely hiding my presence is a pretty hard thing to do...気配を悟られずに…なかなか難しいな。


Ah, so this is the way of the ninja. How interesting.これも忍びの教えか。なるほど、興味深いな。

5성 40레벨 달성

I was asked to participate in this ninja festival and studied up on the craft to make my act look more believable.
So get this. To succeed, you must employ tactics contrary to what works in swordplay.
Light-footed ninja concealed by the dark of night bring down foes and then slip away totally undetected...
Color me impressed. It's nice to be reminded of how much knowledge you can gain by trying new things.
I owe it to you. If the opportunity presents itself, then invite me to the next festival.





오의 발동

That all you've got?仕方ない
You're mine!頂いた!
Just part of the job.これも任務だ
Luck is not on your side!不運だったな


I've failed...失敗か…


I'm Zihark, and I'm dressed this way for a reason. You'll just have to trust me.ツイハーク。訳あって…このような恰好をしている。
Ah, it's you. Enjoying the festival, I see.…ああ、君か。祭りを楽しんでいるようだな。
Being a ninja has its perks. If the enemy can't read your movements, they don't know where to guard.忍者か…敵に悟られない動きというのは戦闘にも役に立ちそうだ。
I'm confident in my swordplay. Send me into battle and you will be too.剣の腕には自信がある。君の期待に応えられると思うぞ。
There sure are a lot of ninja around here, huh? Hoshido must be pretty powerful...このような密偵がいる白夜王国とは、とても屈強な国なんだろうな。
Seeing beorc and laguz enjoying this festival together is truly something special.ラグズもベオクも共に祭りを楽しんでいる…素晴らしいことだ。
As long as you're giving the orders, I'll follow through.君に与えられた任務なら、どんなことでもこなしてみせよう。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.わかった
Now what?迷うな…
Let's go.では行こう!

캐릭터 페이지로