왕의 남동생 오트르/대사


My name is Ótr, brother of King Fáfnir of Niðavellir. I am nothing more than that.名前はオッテル。ニザヴェリル王ファフニールの弟。それが僕の全てだ。

Without Fáfnir at my side... everything feels strange.ファフニール兄さん…兄さんの傍にいないと、僕は不安で仕方ないんだ…
I'm from Niðavellir, the realm of the dvergar—the land of seiðjárn! This place is nothing in comparison.僕の出身は小人の国ニザヴェリル。魔道科学の文明が進んだ国だ。それに比べてここは…ハッ。
I thought you'd be too dull-witted to be as troubled as you appear... Tell me of your woes, if you wish.難しい顔をしているな。お前みたいな猿でも悩みがあるのか?…話くらいなら聞いてやる。
...Could you point me to the sweets vendor? You can come along if you wish.
I beg your pardon! I am maintaining my Gullinbursti here. It is intricate machinery! ...H-hey! No touching!グリンブルスティの手入れをしている。お前たちの駄馬と違って繊細なんだ。…うわぁっ! さ、触るな!!

친구 방문

Hmm... Yes, I see. A lowly creature like yourself... Of course you must be [Friend]'s friend.お前が[フレンド]の…なるほど。程度の低い人間同士お似合いだな。

레벨 업

Don't misunderstand. This strength is for my brother—ALL for him.勘違いするなよ。僕の力はすべて兄さんのものだ。
...Have a complaint?…何か文句あるのか?
What a waste of time. You realize this is your fault, I hope.無駄な時間を過ごしたようだ。お前のせいだぞ?


And you expect something in return for this, do you? Hmph.何だ、見返りでも期待してるのか?ふん…

5성 40레벨 달성

I was only a child when the coup happened. I didn't know what was happening or what to do...
All I knew was that I was in danger, and I needed to leave. So, in the chaos, I grabbed the baby and ran.
My only explanation is that I had occasionally been asked to look after it.
I heard my mother screaming behind me, "No! We must kill the child!" But only a moment later, she was killed...
Killed by the same people they'd asked me to lead into the castle.
Afterward, war broke out, and eventually I came to understand what had happened.
Thinking back on it now, I can't say I should have done anything different.
But all that is in the past now. It's all meaningless at this point. There is only one side to be on: Fáfnir's.
Fáfnir is ALL there is.
Hmph. And who are you to disagree, Summoner?


Take this!くらえ!


Now you've done it...!やったな…!

오의 발동

You can't hide from me.引きずり出してやる
Quiet, scum!うざいんだよ、クズが!
Enough, weakling!雑魚は引っ込んでろ!
For Fáfnir!兄さんのために…


No! Fáfnir...嫌だ…兄さん…!


I am Ótr, King Fáfnir's brother.オッテル。ニザヴェリル王ファフニールの弟。以上だ。
You would do well to remember that I detest jokes.!? …そういう冗談、僕は一番嫌いだって覚えておけ。
If my brother hadn't found me, I wouldn't be here now. He is everything to me.兄さんに出会わなければ、僕は今ここにいない。兄さんは僕の全てだ。
Reginn should act more like royalty. Remind her, won't you?レギンに王族の自覚を持てとお前からも言ってやれ。
I do not find sweets disagreeable, so if you have any, you can always give them to me. Hm.甘いものは嫌いじゃない。くれるというならもらってやる。
Brother, don't leave... Don't leave me alone!兄さん、いなくならないで…僕をひとりにしないで…!
How can you tolerate having me around? I'll never understand you.なぜ僕を赦す? お前は…本当に理解できない存在だ。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.了解
Are you sane?正気か?
Leave it to me.片付ける

캐릭터 페이지로