비호의 수도사 알파드/대사


I am Aelfric, a monk of the Church of Seiros, which has entrusted me with the management of Abyss.私はセイロス教の修道士、アルファルド。教団からアビスの管理を任されているものです。

To the Ashen Wolves, I am a mere guardian. I could protect them, but I could not enrich their minds.私は灰狼の学級を作りましたが立場は庇護者…守ることはできますが教え導く教師ではなかったのです。
Those who dwell in Abyss were chased underground. But do not take that to mean they are criminals.アビスで暮らす人々はそれぞれに事情があり、地上を追われました。決して、罪人と同義ではありません。
Yes, I knew Jeralt. When we met, he led the knights of the monastery.ジェラルト殿とは、彼が大修道院で騎士団長を務められていた頃から顔見知りだったのですよ。
Even if the church or the archbishop consider the existence of Abyss a nuisance, my conviction isn't shaken.たとえ、教団や大司教猊下がアビスを煙たく思われようと…私は信念を変える気はありません。
Do... Do you have a desire that grips you? So strongly that you would sacrifice everything?[召喚師]…あなたには、いかなる犠牲を払ってでも叶えたい望みはありますか?

친구 방문

I am Aelfric, a monk of the Church of Seiros. I come bearing proof of your tie with [Friend].セイロス教の修道士、アルファルドです。[フレンド]より友好の証を預かってまいりました。

레벨 업

May the goddess's authority rain down on us all, sparing none.すべてのものに神の威光が等しく注ぎますように…。
As the goddess wills.神の思し召しのままに。
The result was not as I had hoped...結果に繋がりませんでしたか…。


I will do my very best to meet your expectations.期待に添えるように尽力するといたしましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Society requires that each and everyone has a place they belong if they are to lead a fruitful life.
To find that place, one must start by understanding their role and finding support from those around them.
Those who have fallen on hardship, whatever form it may take, must also have a place.
I believe it is my duty to aid those who have been driven underground. I have made this my mission.
I have seen that you are strong— strong enough to make your own place.
If one as strong as you could aid me in creating a place for others... Nothing would please me more.





오의 발동

I will not allow it.させませんよ
If you insist...退かぬというのなら…


I have yet to...私にはまだ…使命が…


Allow me to introduce myself. I am Aelfric. The church has granted me custodianship of Abyss.私はアルファルド。教団から、アビスの管理を任されている者です。
Ah—did you require something of me?ああ…驚きました。何かご用ですか?
I believe it is my sacred duty to provide a place for those who have nowhere else to go.行き場所のない人々の居場所を作るのが私の務めだと思っております。
She had a radiant smile...but not for me.彼女が心からの明るい微笑みを見せた相手は、私ではなかった…
It is my hope that you will live a full life— experiencing the world, fostering strong relationships with people.君にはこれからも多くの人々と、温かな関係を築いてほしいのです。
Surely there are those you wish you could return to life.君たちにもいるでしょう。蘇らせたい者の一人や二人…
Should you ever require counsel, know that I am here for you, always.何かあったら相談してください。私は、いつでも君の味方ですから。

아군 턴 터치

Well then.そうですか
We must hurry.急ぎましょう

캐릭터 페이지로