섬세한 신랑 스타루크/대사


Sorry. I must have squashed your anticipation of a wonderful groom. I'm Alcryst, scum of the wedding...すみません。素敵な花婿が来たかと期待した気分に水を差しましたね…結婚式場の埃、スタルークです…

I feel...different now. I vow on these fine clothes to protect the people of my homeland...and everyone here.ちょっとだけ…違う自分になれた気分です。僕は祖国の民たちや、この地の皆さんを守ると誓います…この衣装に懸けて。
Brodian weddings are truly inspiring. When I see my parents' portrait... I long to be that happy.ブロディア王家の婚礼の儀は、荘厳で、意外にも華々しいものなのですよ。両親の幸せそうな肖像は僕の憧れです。
If I had to, I'd guess my brother will marry first. And it will be beautiful, apart from me bawling my eyes out.婚礼の儀を行うのは兄上が先でしょうね。ああ…想像しただけで素晴らしい光景です。感涙する薄汚い僕が参列している以外は…
Once again, I sit, staring at an ant trail and daydreaming of one day being worthy of someone's company.いつか僕の隣に立ってくださる方のために立派な人間になりたいと思いながら、今日もアリの行列を見つめてしまいます…
My current bow is designed like a harp. And it's true, I do know my way around stringed instruments.
But I must not torment this place with a melody played by a worthless piece of trash like me.

친구 방문

I'm truly sorry you have to see me... and in this...wedding garb... I was sent by [Friend].[フレンド]さんの使いで僕なんかが…しかも突然の婚礼衣装でのこのこやってきて本当にすみません…

레벨 업

I pledge my devotion to this result... Though I doubt it will accept a proposal from me...この結果と結婚したいですが…結果の方は僕と結婚したくないでしょうね…
As long as you're happy. Then...so am I.これで、あなたが幸せなら…僕も幸せです。
This is how pitiful I am. And even when I dress in eye-catching clothes for a happy occasion...おめでたい目立つ衣装を着ても…この有様です…


Oh... This outfit grew even more blinding. My wish is to become invisible beneath it.ああ…白い衣装がさらに眩しく…相対的に僕が見えなくなりますように…

5성 40레벨 달성

Hello. I am sorry for afflicting your eyes with my presence. And still...in this outfit, with no plans to marry...
Hmm? Yes...I am the second prince of Brodia. One day, I shall marry... at least I hope to.
For now, all I have is the ring my father gave me when I was born. It's for whomever I choose to marry.
It even matches my eyes... Red and blue mixed together, but it's far too pretty for me.
If the day ever comes when I can give it to someone, I'll wear this outfit and hold my chin higher than I do now.
But for now, please watch over me a bit longer... I know it'll be unpleasant for you, but I'll be forever grateful.
…え? はい…残念ながら僕も一応ブロディア王国の第二王子です…いつかは婚姻を結ぶでしょう…たぶん。





오의 발동

Happily ever after!僕が幸せにします
Yes, I do!誓いますよ…?
I give my love...愛してます
Groom engage!グルームエンゲージ


Sorry about the clothes...衣装…汚してすみません…


I-it's me, the worst of all grooms...どうも…結婚したくない王子第一位の、僕です…
Ahh! I know these garments are too nice for me, but I seem to be stuck in them!ひい! 似合わないのはわかってます、でも、何故か脱げないんですよ!
I vow to fight well, in sickness and in health...though I know I am unworthy.病める時も、ゴミカスである時も、良き戦力であることを誓います…
The best I can do for these clothes is serve as a talking coat rack for them to hang from.立派な婚礼衣装でしょう。僕はそれを見せるための、喋る衣装掛けです…
I wish I could show this to Father. I think...he would be happy for me.ちょっとだけ…父上に見せたいです。きっと喜んでくれますから。
These clothes would look a million times better if my brother were wearing them.これを着るのが兄上なら、百万倍素敵だっただろうなあ……
Marriage? I'm not destined for anything so grand. But, if I did meet someone...I would try to make them happy.結婚? 僕にとっては恐れ多い。でも、もしも、万が一、そんな方が現れたら……絶対に幸せにすると決めています。

아군 턴 터치

You nervous too?緊張します
Is it time?入場ですね
If you'll have me.僕で良ければ

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