열린 미래로 알폰스/대사


I am Alfonse, prince of Askr. I pledge to carry on the work of the late king Gustav—and bring peace to Askr.アスク王国王子アルフォンス。偉大なる先王、グスタフの遺志を継ぎこの国の未来を開くと誓う。

I will carry Askr's fight for peace, the legacy of my father and the kings of old, on into the future.僕はアスク王国のために戦う。父上や偉大なる先王たちの想いを未来へ繋げるために。
Though a great challenge lies ahead, peace will come. It is certain. I have every faith.アスク王国は今も苦難に直面している。だけど、必ず平和はやってくる。僕はその日を信じているんだ。
I still owe you much. I will one day repay you for all you've done for me, [Summoner]. I promise.[召喚師]君には助けられっぱなしだね。いつか必ずこの恩を返すよ。
The trust and support of the Heroes has made me into who I am now. I must not betray that trust.英雄たちに支えられて今の僕がある。彼らの信頼を裏切らないよう皆に恥じぬ振る舞いをみせないとね。
Both Mother and Sharena looked happy to see me wearing this armor. It means a lot to all of us.この装束に袖を通したとき母上やシャロンも喜んでくれたよ。僕も身が引き締まる思いだ。

친구 방문

I am Alfonse of Askr. I've come to deliver a token of your friendship with [Friend].僕はアスク王国のアルフォンス。[フレンド]との変わらぬ友情の証、ここに届けよう。

레벨 업

It is my duty to fulfill this role, and I will face any challenge to do so.みんなの期待に応えるためならどんな苦難も乗り越えてみせるよ。
Am I a worthy successor to my father and his legacy?僕は父上の背中に近づけているだろうか。
One's truest self is revealed during moments of suffering. Father taught me that lesson.苦しいときこそ真価が問われる。父上がよく口にしていた言葉だよ。


Thank you. No words can express the depths of my gratitude to you.ありがとう。君には何度感謝しても足りないよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I do not wear this out of grief; I wear it as a reminder of what I stand for, of what I fight for.
My father was a strong, kind, and great hero, both to the people of Askr and to us, his family.
But I can't hope to forge Askr's future by only looking to him in the past.
I have to face the challenges before us in my own way, and do so while keeping his memory close to heart.
I will press onward, my head held high, and strive to be worthy of this honor. Watch over me, Father.





오의 발동

It's decided, then.ここまでだよ
For our people!守ってみせる!
Askr is open to all.開かれた国を…
The battle is mine!僕は負けない!


I tried...Father...すみません…父上…


These clothes are styled after my father's. Do they suit me as well as they did him?この衣装は父上と同じものなんだ。似合うかい?
*startle* Oh, right... This is your way of being considerate.わっ!? これは…君なりの気づかいなのかな。
Each and every Hero has played their part in Askr's continued defense.英雄達のおかげでアスク王国は守られているんだ。
The sight of me in these clothes brought a tear to my mother's eye. It's...still difficult...この姿を見せたら母上が涙ぐんでしまって…困ったよ。
Everyone has high expectations of me... It's an honor to know that so many have such faith.みんなが僕を信じ、期待してくれているのなら嬉しく思う。
I will work every day to be a king worthy of your legacy, Father. Please, guide my hand...僕は必ず父上のような王になります。見守っていてください…
Of everyone, it is you whom I owe the greatest debt of gratitude. I look forward to many more years at each other's side.君にはいつも…誰よりも感謝しているよ。これからもよろしく。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.そうか
Stay focused now.慎重にね
That's the way.いい手だ

캐릭터 페이지로