광기의 투마룡 하이드라/대사


I am Anankos, of the First Dragons... Why have you called me here? Simply to kill? ...Or is there more?我はハイドラ…神祖竜の一柱……なぜ、我を喚んだ…殺す為か? それとも……

You believe ME mad? It is HUMANITY that has lost its way! You forget your debt—my blood does not come free!狂っている? 我が?狂っているのは人間の方ではないか。血を与えし恩を忘れた、下等な生物め…
Valla was paradise... Those days... Their melodies are lost. Smiles on faces I no longer remember...かつての透魔王国は、理想郷だった…懐かしい歌…大切な者たちの笑顔…だがもう…その顔が…思い出せない……
Why do you hinder me, deny me?! Is it so wrong to crush that which is beneath me?
Is it so wrong to...wish for that which I have lost?!
Are you able to call to your side... any being you wish? Bring me...the king of Valla from days past.召喚師…貴様はどのような存在も喚べるのか?ならば此処に…かつての透魔王を……
I will search as long as it takes... The Valla I dream of must exist! Where our kinds are not at odds...何度だって捜してやる…どこかにあるはずだ…剣が我を貫かぬ、人と竜が共に在る、理想の透魔王国が…

친구 방문

This is not the land I seek... This is not my Valla... I have come here at [Friend]'s request...[フレンド]の使いだ…この世界も違う…此処も、我の透魔王国ではない……

레벨 업

What becomes of me matters not.我が身がどう成ろうと…どうでも良い……
Quickly, on to the next world...早く、次の世界に……
The turnings of this world are of no interest to me.この世界の事象には、全て…興味がない……


Even this gesture is empty of real meaning... Nevertheless, I will remember this.手に入れても、空虚だ……だが…受けた恩は、覚えていよう…

5성 40레벨 달성

You come to gawk? To take pleasure in my suffering?
Outside of Valla, I am but a shadow of my true self. That much I know now...painfully well...
I am bound here, unable to act as I choose...unable even to succumb to madness.
Cadros is gone... I know this. So then why can I think of nothing and no one else?!
I loathe you, Summoner, for forcing me to live knowing this truth.
There will come a day when you will learn what it means to suffer! I will see to that! That is...unless...
Unless, perhaps, we find you can make a suitable substitute...





오의 발동

I will have my blood!血を返せ!
Contemptible vermin!虫けらが!
Fall beneath my feet!惨めに死ね!
I will not suffer alone!なぜ、我だけが…!


Remember me...覚えて…いろ……


Away, insect, unless you wish to vanish from this world.我に触れるな、虫けら。泡となり消え去りたいか…?
You claim sanity, yet engage in such frivolous banter! Have you passed beyond reason?他(た)を揶揄できるほど、貴様らは正気だと、狂っていないと言えるのか?
Humans are chattel who forget what they owe when it suits them.人間など自分の都合で、我からの大恩を忘れる下等な生き物だ…
You stand no chance against one such as me! I will crush your bones beneath my feet—and even that fate is more than you deserve!人など、竜の相手にはならぬ。我の力に蹂躙されて、惨めに死ぬがいい…
This world is wrong, wrong, wrong! This is not the path I am meant to tread!この世界も違う。違う…! 我が在るべき路(みち)は、ここではない…!
Cadros... Hm. Even now, I think of you and remember those days with fondness...リュウレイ…楽しかった日々を、お前のことを、今もひとり思っている……
You cannot know the pain of being forgotten—of what you are, what you are owed, falling from memory...恩を、思い出を忘れられ、誰の記憶からも消える辛さなど…貴様には、わからぬであろうな……

아군 턴 터치

Where now?何処に在る…
Clear the way.路(みち)を開けろ…

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