특무기관의 대장 안나/대사

Alfonse was once friends with a great Hero. But when Alfonse lost his friend in battle, he was never the same.アルフォンスは昔、仲良しの英雄がいたの。でもその子は戦場で散ってしまったわ。それからかしら…彼が少し変わったのは。
We can revive Heroes who fall during battle as long as you're with us, Summoner.
Still, though this reverses the ravages of the battlefield, they feel pain—just as we do.
Checking up on everyone? Thank you. That's helpful. Let me know if you spot anything unusual!あら、皆の様子を見て回ってくれているの?ありがとう、助かるわ。何か変わったことがあれば教えてね。
How about we get some practice in? That'd make you a stronger member of our group—summoning and all!今から訓練に付き合わない?あなたのことをビシバシ鍛えて屈強な召喚師にしてあげるわよ?
Good timing. I made some official merchandise for the Order of Heroes. Think they'll sell?ちょうどいいところに来たわね。特務機関印の新商品を作ったの!ねえ、これ売れると思う?

친구 방문

Looks like your group is strong. I'd better keep building mine. Oh, hello from [Friend]![フレンド]から挨拶よ。この隊もなかなかに活気があるわね。私たちも負けていられないわ。

레벨 업

I'm going to push myself even harder now!これまで以上にビシバシいくわよ!
Good! But as commander, I must keep striving for more.上官として、これぐらいはね?
I expect much more of myself than that!そりゃあ新兵ほどの伸びしろはないわよ。


Thanks for helping me get stronger. I swear to make it worth your trouble.強くしてくれてありがと☆元はとらせてあげちゃうわよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have an assessment to make. You've become more dependable than I ever imagined.
Frankly, I wasn't certain about you from the start. You were new to us. We were new to you.
But look at you now—a great tactician, giving us directions that are often excellent!
Remember when you first showed up and I said you didn't look like the Great Hero from our legend?
I'm sorry about all of that. As the commander here, I should know to never judge a book by its cover.
The person who was once my superior drilled that into my head. So, I should have known better.
You are the Great Hero, and you have lived up to the legend!
Still, you're also part of my Order of Heroes, so don't expect any preferential treatment.
But until the day comes when we save this kingdom once and for all, you and I are in this...together.




What gives!なによぉ!

오의 발동

This one's on the house!サービスしちゃうわ!
More than you bargained for?オマケしてあげる
We will triumph!任務遂行!
Onward to victory!先手必勝!


Fall back...撤退…するわ…


Rule number one! Treat Heroes with utmost respect!特務機関の掟その一、英雄とは対等であれ
Rule number two! Defend the gateways at any cost!特務機関の掟その二、扉は死守すべし
Think I have a familiar face? Hmm. How curious.私に似た人を知ってるって、それ本当?
That divine weapon of yours was just lying around here... None of us could use it.あなたの神器、使える人がいないからホコリかぶってたのよ。…なんてね。
Some of us befriend Heroes. Others stay detached. What will you do, I wonder...英雄たちと仲良くなりたい? それとも深入りはしない? あなたはどちらかしらね。
Know a quick way to make a profit? Then let's hear it!はあ…パーッとお金儲けの話でも転がってないかしら。
I give you my vow as commander that I will keep you safe.あなたがこの世界に来てくれて良かったわ。私は上官として、必ずあなたを守るから。

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行くわよ

캐릭터 페이지로