비밀 많은 행상인 안나/대사


Need of some wares? Fear not! Anna the Merchant, at your service. I've got the best deals anywhere—count on it!お呼びとあれば地の果てまでも!行商人アンナ、ただいま到着ー!ささ、いい品あるわよ、お安くするわよ!

This world's Anna is in COMMAND? Huh... Knowing us Annas, these folks must've been through the wringer.え? この世界の私がヴァイス・ブレイヴの隊長やってるの?我ながら不安になるわね…
Yeah, I've heard about my sisters in other worlds—women with the same name and face as mine...
Oh, you want to know how it works? Well...that information doesn't come free, y'know!
Some children like sweets, some like books. Whatever the case, I've got it on sale! Happiness, at a bargain!寂しい子には甘いお菓子を。夢が欲しい子には絵本を。私は幸せを売り歩いているのよ。
Would it be a problem if I opened up shop nearby? And not just to make a quick buck, I swear! ...Heh, heh.ねえ、ここの城下町にお店を開いてもいいかしら?あ、あこぎな商売はしないわよ…!
I'm all for living in a peaceful place. Fewer bandits, fewer troubles, I say. Especially when transporting goods!平和な世界になれば商売ももっとやりやすくなるし頑張って戦いを終わらせなきゃね!

친구 방문

I'm Anna—and I have the finest wares this side of [Friend]'s.[フレンド]の城から特別出張販売! 私はアンナ。さあ、おすすめ商品を見ていって!

레벨 업

Record profits!この調子で商売繁盛といきたいわね!
That's one step closer to becoming a master merchant!まだまだ伸び盛り!大商人への道は一日にして成らずね!
Yikes. Nothing comes free, I suppose. I'll try harder.適当な商売をすると天罰が下るってこと?


A pleasure doing business. I hope this little arrangement continues to bear fruit for us both!毎度あり〜!今後ともご贔屓に!

5성 40레벨 달성

Listen up! I just came up with the best idea for a tournament... What do you think about...arm wrestling?
There are so many famous Heroes here, it'd be a shame to let all that star power go to waste, right?
A lot of 'em aren't too bad to look at either... Put a pretty face on some merch, and you're in the money!
Huh? What're the profits for? ...Oh! Well...all for the Order of What's-It... oh, Heroes! Yeah—trust me!
Just prepare yourself, because you're about to have more funds than your Commander'll know what to do with!
え? 稼いだお金はどうするのかって?そ、それはもちろんヴァイス・ブレイヴの活動資金にする、わよ?
と、とりあえず! この世界のアンナに負けないよう、ガンガン稼いじゃうわよ!期待しててね! うふふふふ~!





오의 발동

Here comes the gravy train!商売繁盛!
Shop till you drop!じゃんじゃん買ってね!
Here's your change!お金よ、お金!
Try a free sample!お買い得よ!




Hi, I'm Anna. Just a simple merchant traveling from— Huh? Commander who? Never heard of her.私はアンナ。行商人よ。隊長? 何のこと?
NO REFUNDS— Uhh... Can I help you?きゃあっ!? 何? お金ならあげないわよ!
I wonder if fighting tournaments are as popular here as they are in Regna Ferox...ここで闘技大会を開いたら、人気でるかしら?
Stick with me, and I'll fill your treasury. That's the Anna guarantee! (Huh, I should write that down...)やっぱり仲間はいいわね。一人きりより楽しいもの。
Ooh... There's no better feeling than a handful of coins.儲けた時のあの充実感、ほかでは味わえないわね~
What's gonna be the next big thing around here? Y'know, the thing that'll really draw in the coin.この世界で売れそうなものは何かしら? 早めに手をつけなくちゃ…
You've earned yourself a special discount! Go on. Browse my wares at your leisure. (One-time offer. Restrictions may apply. Offer may change without prior notice, and probably at time of checkout. You break it you buy it.)あなたにだったら、特別なサービスたくさんしちゃうわ。ひいきにしてね。

아군 턴 터치

Here comes the bill.計算どおりね
What'll it cost me?損しない?
Make me an offer.稼ぐわよ~

캐릭터 페이지로