노력중독 아네트/대사


Hi! I'm Annette Fantine Dominic, and I go to Garreg Mach Academy... Oh! And you can call me "Annie"!私はアネット=ファンティーヌ=ドミニク!ガルグ=マク士官学校の生徒で…えっと、気軽にアンって呼んでくださいね!

A divine weapon that can summon... heroes? If that is truly how I was brought here, then perhaps father...
Oh, don't mind me!
英雄を召喚できる神器、かあ…。あたしがその神器に呼ばれたってことは、父さんも…あっ、いえ! 何でもないです!
My father once served the royal family of Faerghus. But he left, abandoning the kingdom...あたしの父さんは、ファーガスの王家にお仕えする、立派な騎士だったんです。だけど3年前、国を出ていっちゃって…
Wow! Don't you ever take a break? Overworking yourself is nothing to take lightly... Take it from me.あーっ、またお仕事抱え込んじゃってー!駄目ですよ、適度に息抜きしなきゃ。てことで、これはあたしに任せてください!
I've been studying, but there's this passage I'm having trouble with... Would you mind taking a look?勉強をしていたんですけど、ちょっとわからないところがあって…もし良かったら、教えてもらえませんか?
I borrowed a book from the castle library... Books are expensive in Fódlan, so I'm reading all I can!書庫からお借りした本を読んでいたんです。本って、フォドラでは高価な品だから…ここで一冊でも多く読んで、勉強しなきゃ!

친구 방문

Hi! I'm here to wish you all the best from [Friend]![召喚師]さんですね![フレンド]さんが、あなたによろしく伝えるように、って!

레벨 업

Ooh! That felt oddly good!えっへへ…前のあたしとは、一味違いますよ!
I hope I'm not letting anyone down...これなら、みんなの役にも立てるかな。
I'm sorry... I'll do better, I promise!ご、ごめんなさい…もっと頑張らないと…!


Thank you! You won't regret this!ありがとうございます!期待にはしっかり応えなくっちゃ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Sometimes I feel like nothing I try to do ever works out. Do you ever feel like that, [Summoner]?
The task ahead of you is so immense. Summon Heroes! Save the world! That sure is a lot of pressure...
My recommendation is...don't try to do it all alone. It never ends well. Trust me. I'm a bit of an expert.
That same urge made me anxious when I first arrived here, but...look at me now, thanks to your support!
I just wanted to say, I'll do my best for you as long as I'm here. You can count on me returning your support!





오의 발동

I'm not gonna lose!絶対負けない…!
Get lost!どいてもらうから!
I'll show you!やってみせる!
I can help too!あたしだって!


No way... Not now...うそ…あたしは、まだ…


Laundry, studies, training... I have my work cut out for me!お洗濯、お掃除、それから訓練…よしっ、頑張らなきゃですね!
♪Just takes a flash of light, and then it all goes boom! ♪Oh! You weren't listening...right?魔法で一発、どかんと一発~♪ あ…も、もしかして聞いてました?
Need help with anything? No? Oh...手伝えるお仕事はありませんか? …ない? そうですかぁ…
*sigh* I've always been kind of clumsy...はあ…あたし、昔からほんとそそっかしくて…
My dearest wish is for my family to reunite.もう一度家族みんなで暮らす…それがあたしの願いです。
I know I should be taking it easy, but that's too hard!お休みって言われても、何をしたらいいのか…困ったなあ。
I'll do my best for you, no matter how hard things get!あなたのためなら、どんなに苦しくたって頑張れる気がするんです!

아군 턴 터치

What now?どうします?
Let's get going!行きましょう!

캐릭터 페이지로