고지식한 신년 아슈/대사
Greetings and happy New Year's to you. I, Ash, offer you my most sincere well-wishes as retainer to Lord Askr. | あけましておめでとうございます。神竜アスク様の眷属たるこのアシュ、謹んで新年のお慶びを申し上げます。 |
I'm told this style of kimono is a New Year's tradition. I am overcome by the austere dignity of the garment... | これがキモノというお正月の装束ですか。なんと申しましょうか、こう、着ていると不思議と厳かな気持ちにかられるような… |
I would like to wish you well in this coming year, and express how glad I am to be here, celebrating with you. | えー、この度の新春、まことにおめでたく、私としましても、皆様と共にこのようにこの良き日を迎えられましたことを心より… |
All the New Year's food is particularly delicious... I do hope you can forgive me for succumbing to my sleepiness. | お正月のご馳走、たいへん美味しく頂きました。つきましては湧き上がる睡魔に屈することをお許しくださいますよう… |
There is a rumor about some special gift for the new year... Can you tell me about— Oh! It's for children. I see. | お年玉なる特別報酬を得る機会が新年には設けられていると伺いました。えっ!? 大人はもらえないのですか? |
I've learned of a game that results in the loser getting their face marked with scribbles of ink... A game played with a Hero's dignity on the line is quite the ruthless New Year's custom, I must say! | 負けたら顔に落書きをされるという英雄の尊厳をかけた遊戯が新年に執り行われるとは…なんと無慈悲! |
친구 방문
Please allow me to humbly offer you most sincere well-wishes on behalf of [Friend]. | えー、まずは謹んで新年の慶びを[フレンド]様よりお伝えしたい次第でございまして… |
레벨 업
I am reminded of the first sunrise of the new year. I will strive for greater heights in light of this blessing! | 今回の戦果、例えるなら初日の出を思わせるまぶしく鮮烈な出来事でありこの幸甚に一層の奮起を誓う次第です。 |
I hope to remain satisfied with the lot that befits my station, and to not be burdened with ambitious wanting... | えー、過度の期待を抱くことなく身の丈にあった幸せを今年も追い求めていければと存じます。 |
This is rather unpleasant... I hope this is not an ill portent for the remainder of this year. I must be more diligent! | 新年の喜ばしい日にこの体たらく。これもひとえに私の不徳の致すところ。今年はさらなる精進を誓う次第です。 |
I will do everything I can to repay this kind gift by making good use of it on the battlefield! | 新春早々手厚い施し…このアシュ、ご恩は必ずや戦場にてお返しする所存でございます! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for inviting me to this lovely New Year's celebration. The sight of all the extravagant foods was almost too much for me. There are so many options to choose from! I suppose I am taking a roundabout way to wish you a happy New Year... What I mean to say is that... New Year's in Askr was a true joy, the feast was delicious, and thank you for inviting me! And happy New Year's. ...Yes, I think that summed up my feelings on the matter. I hope I was as clear as I intended. At any rate, I will work even more diligently this year, and will devote myself to being more help to you all. Hm... I may have managed to still use more words than necessary, but...you understand, don't you? | えー、[召喚師]様、新年を祝うこのような素晴らしい催しにお招きいただきましたこと、心よりお礼を… 特にずらりと並ぶ豪華な料理の数々には私も舌鼓を打つよりほかはなく、目移りを続けるばかりでありまして… …新年早々話がまわりくどいでしょうか?えー、つまりその、私が申し上げたいのは… アスク王国のお正月はとても楽しくて新年のご馳走も美味しくて呼んで頂きありがとうございます! おや…?今わりと簡単にまとまった気が… ともあれ、今年もさらに精進し、皆様のお力になれるように一層の研鑽を重ね…えっ? やはりまわりくどいでしょうか? |
— | えい! |
— | たあっ! |
— | きゃあっ! |
— | ご勘弁を… |
오의 발동
To a joyous New Year! | おめでとうございます |
I remain at your side! | よろしくお願い致します |
I-I do not offer much… | つまらないものですが… |
We ought to celebrate! | 新春のお慶びを! |
I disappointed you… | お見苦しい…ところを… |
— | ふふ… |
Please allow me to humbly offer you my most sincere well wishes on the occasion of the new year. | えー、まずは謹んで新年のお慶びを申し上げます。 |
Oh no! Did I make a mistake in the process of dressing myself? This is a complicated (if lovely) garment. | ひゃああっ!? な、何か着こなしがおかしいのでありましょうか? |
This kimono is so elegant and well made… I feel as if perhaps it may not befit one such as myself. | 私(わたくし)のようなものにこのような高価なお着物は甚だ不相応かと思う訳でありまして… |
The various New Year's celebrations across the many worlds are all so intriguing. I find myself enthralled. | 異界の新年というのは大変に興味深く、また楽しいものでございますね。 |
With all the treats available here, I am nearing the point where I must retire... | たくさんのご馳走のご相伴に預かりまして、体が休息を求めていると申しますか…ふあ… |
I am so deeply happy to be able to celebrate the coming new year with everyone here—and that Lord Askr could join the festivities as well. | アスク様をはじめ、皆様と共に新年の到来を寿ぐことができますこと…まるで夢のようであります。 |
This year I will strive to become a greater asset to you, and to remain diligent in that pursuit. | 今年も更に切磋琢磨し、あなたのお力になりたいと考えております。 |
아군 턴 터치
I'll take care of it! | 承知致しました |
How best to do this? | いかがしましょう? |
I offer a greeting. | ご挨拶に参ります |