바다의 기사도 이야기 애쉬/대사


I'm Ashe Ubert. I'm studying to become a knight. And today's training is... Huh? Swimming in the sea?!僕はアッシュ=デュラン。一人前の騎士を目指し、修行しています。今日の訓練は…ええっ、海水浴!?

What a lovely beach... I wish my brother and sister could be here with me. And Lonato, too.なんて素敵な海なんだ…弟や妹だけじゃなくロナート様にもお見せしたいな。
I never imagined I'd be able to afford a beach trip like this, but here I am, having fun with everyone!ファーガスにいた頃は海水浴にいく余裕なんてなかったけどまさか、みんなで遊びに来られるなんて!
Do you think ghosts come out at the beach at night? O-on second thought, maybe we shouldn't talk about that...夜の海って幽霊が出るんですか?せ、せっかくの海水浴なんですからそういう話はやめておきませんか…。
I was helping out at a food stall that was set up on the beach! I figured they could use my cooking skills.浜辺に出ていた屋台のお手伝いをしていたんです。料理の腕には自信がありますから。
Even if you're wearing a swimsuit, you can't slack on training. I won't become a great knight if I take breaks!水着姿だろうが訓練は欠かせません。立派な騎士になるためには休息はありませんから!

친구 방문

My name is Ashe. I've come to deliver summer greetings from [Friend]'s castle![フレンド]さんの城から参りましたアッシュと申します!暑中見舞い、確かにお届けしました!

레벨 업

My body feels lighter than usual! Do you think it's because this swimsuit is easy to move in?動きやすい恰好だからかな?いつもより身体が軽いや!
I need to work harder. I'm not gonna lose to the summer sun!夏の日差しに負けないようもっと鍛錬を頑張らないと!
Have I been having too much fun? I need to pull myself together!浮かれすぎちゃったかな?気を引き締めないと…!


I think I'm almost done...maybe? I'll keep working hard!仕上がってきた…かも?この調子で頑張ります!

5성 40레벨 달성

When I was little, I read a chivalric tale about a knight who crossed the sea to save many countries.
Thinking about what adventures lie in wait across the sea made me want to become a knight one day too.
I wonder what kind of country lies beyond the sea of Askr, [Summoner].
Though I hope for peace, if there are people in trouble across the sea, I want to go fight for them.
But first, we should help the people right where we are, right? We need to bring peace to the Kingdom of Askr.
For now, it's just a dream... But one day, I want to save people across the sea, just like the knight in that story!




We're sinking...溺れるっ…

오의 발동

Calm as the waves!海に平和を!
I will become a knight!騎士になるんだ…!
I'm reeling you in!あっ、魚だ!
Sink or swim!泳ぎも負けない!




I was so excited to hit the beach today that I hardly slept at all last night!みんなで海なんて楽しみです! 昨日は眠れませんでした。
Some kind of...frozen sweet? Don't mind if I do!ひゃあっ!? な、なんですかそれ。氷の菓子…?
I once got lost in a book about tropical travel. Now I feel like I'm living it!旅行記を読んで、南国の海にずっと来てみたかったんです。
I like seeing my friends cut loose at the beach. As long as they don't go overboard...みんなすごくはしゃいでますね。羽目を外さないといいんですけど…
Look at how many fish I caught. Quite the haul, if I do say so myself!見てください、立派な魚がこんなに捕れました。
I wish I could share this sunrise with my brother and sister...弟や妹も連れてきてやりたかったな…
I'll never forget the time we spent together this summer. It was wonderful. Thank you.あなたと過ごしたこの夏の事、僕はずっと忘れないと思います。

아군 턴 터치

Let's beat the heat!暑いですね
Time for a break?休憩しますか?
I'll give summer my all!行ってきます!

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